The voice of the people, our voice, will be heard again!

Day 431, 21:13 Published in Turkey Israel by vampman

Good day eRepublik, and good day to you asll, citizens of eTurkey.I stand here before you not as a single man, but as a massanger of our party, the "Avrasya Birliği Partisi".
Our party is standing here for you, all of you citizens of eTurkey.
You want better enconomy, will give it to you.
You want less taxes, we give them to you.
You want the support of the govrnment in your privat life, support in companies and distibution of resources to people in need, and you will get that too.


Not such a hard thing to vote, and even easier since you get so many benefits.
So Vote Smart.

In order to give this country a great position both in the middle east and in the world, we need the cooparation of as many of the citizens here.
Our party supports you all, Turks, Grreks, Jews and others alike.

So cast your vote and soon you will see the great results of your actions, in the form of an improved eTurkey with many happy citizens, strong markets and no poverty.

So again i ask of you, vote smart, and only think , what can your party do for you?
Well, i don't know about other parties, but WE CAN!!!

We can give you that bright future that all of you deserve.

So join us in our fight for a better eTurkey.
Vote for a better eTurkey, for better eCitizens, for a better eFuture.
Vote "Avrasya Birliği Partisi".
Because we really do give results.

For more information on our party, visit to see all of your votes