The USA is entering a new era, we must be ready

Day 672, 08:54 Published in USA Australia by Aeros

We should never count our chickens before they have hatched. Even so, Russia will soon be down to one final state and has very few options with regards to escaping the initiative block. In today’s supplemental issue, I shall go over the rapidly changing geopolitical situation we are now entering and try and help make sense of it for myself and for all my readers.


When I went to eBasic Training, my Drill Sergeant told me something during marksmanship training. “Close only counts in Horseshoes and Hand Grenades”. In the coming days we will most likely hear about how PEACE “Almost” conquered the USA, “Almost” made our proud nation surrender, “Almost” ended up with large chunks of North America. Well, PEACE came very close, but in the end they did not succeed. Instead, the USA is emerging out of this war with the largest population on the planet, the largest economy, and arguably the largest and most organized military. Which is much more then we could have said going into this war. Reading through much of our media, I have noticed that PEACE succeeded in one area, in that they have made the United States a bit more humble and aware of the rest of the world. Of course, this awareness has made us acutely aware of how many other nations on the planet are having their high resource regions “protected” by PEACE. PEACE also continues to occupy two former American Allies, Switzerland and North Korea. By our obligation to these countries, the United States will have to take the war beyond our borders at some point in order to insure these nations are returned to the Allied block, and not as PEACE puppets. The United States will also now have to deal with an acute problem on our Southern Borders.


South America has always been viewed as an “interest” of the United States. Over time, this had become a very one sided relationship and has led to deep resentment of the United States on the continent. Actions of previous US Administrations in Mexico (Operation Taco Bell/War of Spanish Aggression) all but confirmed the hostility towards our country by the Latin Nations. These nations en masse joined PEACE as a means to escape what they felt was “Yankee Imperialism”. This action of course, revealed itself as the reason why South America is such a vital interest of the United States. These countries used their position on our Southern Borders to aid in the destruction of Spain, and to help Russia in its efforts to conquer the USA. They even went so far as to use diplomatic lies and duplicity to insure they had the opportunity to lash out at us. This is not a problem that will go away. So long as the ALA Alliance remains a sub organization of PEACE, the United States will have to constantly be looking over its shoulder for the next knife in the back. This is an intolerable position to be in and most likely could provide the catalyst for a major war in South America. Not the least because Colombia activated all our MPP’s against them. To that end, Diplomacy should be pursued, but it would be unwise to scrap those MPP’s. Colombia and Mexico have both shown they are willing to lie at the negotiating table if its means they can get an opportunity to back stab the Gringos. A Post Invasion America will have to take a very hard look at our relationship with South America. Obviously the open hand should be offered to encourage our South American brothers to move away from PEACE and forge their own independent identity. If they insist on remaining lackeys to an enemy that has proven intent on destroying us however, they may have to be offered the closed fist instead to compel them into realizing their strategic interests lie elsewhere.


The European continent is a total abject mess. We have Spain surrounded by enemies on all sides, sharing borders with Mexico, Brazil, France and the United Kingdom. In Eastern and Southern Europe, Croatia, Greece and Bosnia are menaced by Serbia, Turkey and Hungary. And to cap it off, the Scandinavian countries have angered the Russian Bear in their efforts to help us. While the war in North America might be winding down, it is ready to explode in Europe. Croatia and Greece have activated MPP’s against Hungary, Serbia and Turkey. Russia has activated MPP’s against Norway. In the heart of this mess lies the Hungarian homeland, which Romania and Croatia seem very interested in using as the first trial run an Allied counter-invasion. Hungary is after all, one of the biggest instigators of this war, and the EDEN Alliance is probably not feeling kindly disposed towards them. Especially after stealing Spain’s treasury and using it to destroy the country. By virtue of our Alliances with these countries, we will be drawn into the impending Central European conflict, and I might add, probably drawn in willingly considering it might very well explode before we’ve had the chance to drive Hungary out of North America completely.

We also have the question of what to do with France. The French have activated our MPP’s and are currently on the defensive against us. As things stand, we could be in a position to invade France this week. There are numerous arguments for going through with this effort. Mainly, they center on vengeance for Spain and Canada, and gaining access to Hungarian Occupied Switzerland. It would also be an opening salvo in an Allied effort to dismantle PEACE GC should we go that route. The arguments against this effort center more on a desire for the United States to take the high road and prove we can show restraint. Also, an invasion of France could reunite our enemies again with common purpose. The most compelling argument against invading France is that the French may have grown tired of the conflict and may be willing to avoid an invasion by signing a peace treaty and NAP with the USA.

The final issue in Europe for a Post Invasion America is the question of what to do with the eUK. It is one thing to switch alliances. it’s quite another to lie to your former allies about your intentions and then aid in the conquest of your former friends. The betrayal by the UK has left a great deal of raw passion hanging around in Allied circles. The Canadians seem willing to let things slide, signing an NAP. The question stands as to whether or not the other Allied powers are willing to be so forgiving.


The final issue is in Asia. Indonesia is the undisputed master all things East Asian, owning countless colonies across the map. The occupied countries continue to maintain the farce that Indonesia is “protecting” these regions (Along with Iran and Hungary). Unfortunately everyone knows that this is like the Mafia selling your business protection insurance. Insurance from them showing up and burning you into bankruptcy, or in this case, invading you and taking over. The formation of neutral East Asian nations in the SoL alliance seems to be a step towards gaining a more independent voice. But so long as Indonesia remains scattered across Asia, these nations will never be able to fully extricate their policies from those of PEACE GC. First up on the chopping block is Japan, who was offered the option of being paid in Q5 hospitals to let Indonesia into the United States or be taken over. This still has caused a great deal of frayed nerves in Japan, and may make this country amenable to becoming a US Ally. Unfortunately, there is a major stumbling block in this possibility; The Theocratic control of South Korea. A solution to this may lie in the liberation of Switzerland, though it remains to be seen if the Theocrats would be willing to return to Switzerland even if it is liberated.

With regards to Indonesia’s control of much of East Asia, this will continue to be a major retarding force in the growth of East Asian countries, particularly Australia and China. They will also continue to provide Indonesia a powerful economic engine with which to rebuild its strength for another attempt on the USA and our allies. This is a problem the United States cannot turn a blind eye too. When vested national defense issues combine with “for the good of the game” issues, you have fertile ground for a major conflict. Much like in South America, the United States has an opportunity to help East Asia, particularly the SoL Alliance in pushing back Indonesia’s hold over the region. But also like in South America, it might become necessary to “convince” these nations that their strategic interests lie outside PEACE GC. They have argued that they share a common border with Indonesia, and must therefore appease them. But they seem to be selectively ignoring the fact that they also share a common border with the USA.

Another issue in this area is the former US Ally of North Korea. Russia is presently attempting to return the country, only this time as a PEACE Puppet. If this PTO is successful, the USA may very well be honor bound to find some way to get at North Korea and forcibly reinstate our allied government by military means. Another Russian problem is the common border with Alaska. If we are successful in retaking Alaska from Hungary, we will have a hostile MPP border with Russia once again. This would be a non-issue if Russia is willing to come to peaceful terms with the USA. But chances are they are not. This means that at some point the USA will have to re-invade Russia and force a peace treaty to close the MPP’s.


The United States is not in a position to take over the world, and never will be. That inspiration left us a very long time ago. PEACE GC has however, gifted us with the moral high ground. As things stand, the USA is presently on the side of “fighting for freedom”. This is a tool that should not be thrown away in senseless revenge wars. Instead, it should be applied towards the goal of dismantling the Indonesian and Hungarian Empires, and rolling back the influence of PEACE GC around the globe. This can be accomplished diplomatically by convincing ALA and SoL to assert their independence from PEACE more aggressively. Perhaps the USA could even apply for membership in SoL; though remaining a free agent has a certain appeal. Regardless of the diplomatic niceties, Indonesia and Hungary’s control of the Worlds High Resource regions have become the single greatest threat to future US security. If the original owners of these regions cannot be convinced of the necessity to take them back, then at some point the USA and our Allies may have to do the “Convincing”. We are entering a very dangerous phase in eRepublik history. All transitional phases are dangerous, because it is during these times that the new political and military orders are established. The last time this happened, the USA ended up on the wrong side of history. Through sheer will and effort, we have forced a new transitional era. We must now apply that same will and effort towards making certain we are not on the wrong side of history again.