The US and World War 3

Day 485, 23:31 Published in USA USA by SamWystan

The Fieldist Volume II, Issue 16
The News Eisenhower Doesn't Want You to Know!

Romanian and Indonesian Empires Battle to Death
In the frozen north of the world, the Romanian and Indonesian Empires meet in battle for domination of nothing less than the World. It is the final battle of PEACE and ATLANTIS, for there is no quarter given on either side. The winner will rearrange politics in the world forever, shattering the backbone of one alliance.

The Marele Imperiu Romanesc (Great Romanian Empire) under their Overlord dsalangeanu promised the end of Indonesian dominance in Asia and the Pacific at a secret council of top Romanian officials. The notion was applauded by many of these leaders. We spoke with one government official after the council ended. He naturally refused to give his name.

"Romania wants nothing less than to live in peace. The greatest obstacle to peace in our time is PEACE GC," he said, glowering at us from behind an eyepatch. "Indonesia is the greatest power in the world, but far too long have they underestimated the power of Romania. They thought we were a mere regional power, nothing more than a backwards East European nation." His bushy white mustache quivered with rage. "But no more! Romania will strike down the pretender to the crown of king of the world, and when we are done, the world will forget the name Indonesia even existed."

Indonesians were equally as vehement. At a strategic meeting in Java with military brass, King rikwandi told the assembled that the Indonesia Asia-Pasifik Berkuasa (Indonesian Asia-Pacific Dominion) would not back down from a fight. A military commander who also refused to give his name, but had a number of maps of Romania tattooed on his arms so that he "would know Romania like I know my own body" told us that the King's message was very inspiring for the long term future of Indonesia.

"We were told that this war would once and for all push ATLANTIS below the sea. We were promised that nothing less than the formation of Indonesian into a world empire would be seen, with holdings across all continents. Romania should not tussle with the leader of the world. After all, if you play with fire, you're going to get burned." He thought for a bit and smiled, "I mean, there's a saying in Indonesia: mess with the best, die like the rest."

In the meantime, Spain has seized upon the opportunity to attempt to seize control of the Iberian Peninsula against Portugal. Let's hope for America's sake that the new Iberian Empire speaks Spanish and not Portuguese. We are looking at nothing less than the types of wars that will irrevocably change the landscape of the world. For if Indonesia expands too far, we could see the return of nations like India, as well as the resurgence of South Africa, Argentina, and Australia, all of which would like to return their control over that of the birthright regions.

The Fieldist concludes that the only reasonable response from America is to invade Canada. Those northern snow-lovers have gotten too passive over there. We could all use some shaking up.

Wystan No Longer Unopposed in Rhode Island
Following his announcement of candidacy in RI, Wystan was met with an opponent, RedRooste of the Libertarian Party. It seems apparent that this is northing more than a carpet-bagging Libertarian coming to attempt to pick up what's considered an "easy" state. We at the Fieldist challenge RedRooste to present his authenticity of native Rhode Islander status. We want to know if he can correctly pronounce "Pawtucket".

In his presentation to Rhode Island, the Libertarian candidate wimps out of fighting wars, sells out our citizens in American Mexico, and speaks only of instilling "Libertarian principals" in the hope of bettering our citizens. However, since Libertarianism seeks minimal government interference, there are little mechanics on his side.

Furthermore, he shamelessly and dangerously attempts to incite panic, by claiming that economic state of this nation is "dire." It's clearly not.

Also Ron Paul is not a hero in Rhode Island. The man is clearly not in tune or in step with the needs or wants of Rhode Islanders. In conclusion, you must vote for SamWystan if you value the strength that Rhode Island will need to lead this country in this modern century.

The Fieldist Endores
From the Great State of Washington: mindflay (CvP)
From the Greatest State of Rhode Islan😛 SamWystan (AAP)

If you'd like to be endorsed by the Fieldist, simply make sure that when you announce your candidacy, you nominate SamWystan for Secretary of Fun/Fun Czar. The Fieldist is an equal-opportunity endorser, with no regard for political party, gender, incumbency, or state of residence.