The UNL comes!

Day 774, 02:34 Published in Poland Germany by NL org

Occupied-German friends,

The UNL Congress already has reached an majority with voting in favour of a Declaration of War to Poland. We will come to aid you, as a promise is a promise.
Whatever happens, we will always be with you!


The UNL is bringing war to your doorstep, and not only war. We will show hell!
You talk about the Real Life past a lot when you fight. Well, when looking at the Dutch and Belgian history, well give you quite some trouble.
Nobody seemed able to occupy the Netherlands without being thrown out, and Belgium always fought hard for her rights.
You are the biggest nation in eRepublik, but after all we have seen, you are just another opponent!

Whatever the outcome of battle, we will never give you rest as long as you find yourself on the wrong side of the Polish border!!

For the UNL!
For Germany!
For Freedom!
