The Unity Party - Squiddy Stands for Party President.

Day 359, 10:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Squiddy

Dear Unity Party members,

We currently face tough times in The Unity Party, what with many of our dominant members becoming inactive, such as Hassan Pesaran, Siobhan Griffin and a number of other politicians that we are sorely missing right about now.

So, I've taken it upon myself to stand for the Party President of The Unity Party.

Firstly I'd like to explain why I'm running for Party President.

If you take a look at the list of candidates you will see the following names:

Jack J

Ask yourself this very question for each candidate: How do you know you can trust them?

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not about to go into a massive slanderous rant about each candidate, (well, excluding myself as that would be rather stupid, no?) I'm not going to do this because I can't, I simply don't know enough about them to make any kind of informed decision. What I will do though, is look at the facts.

I have not seen any of my fellow candidates play any kind of active role within the Government, or even within The Unity Party, (of which I'm currently the Vice President of), out of all the candidates proposed for Party President of The Unity Party, I'm the only one who has access to The Unity Party Forums, (which requires but one post to receive).

So, we've discussed the opposition, now a little about myself.

My first official Government Position in the eUK was with the Bristol Council. I didn't stay there very long as I had dedicated myself to ensuring London was run efficiently after the uproar that AngelFeather caused, by winning the London Mayoral Elections, somehow, then leaving the game.

After being involved with the London Council for one mandate, I decided to run for Mayor of London and with the help of Stan Wephen, and all the people that voted for me, I managed to achieve a landslide victory over my obnoxious opponent, Billy Bright.

Shortly after this, I became Tim09's Under Minister for the Minister of Foreign Affairs and also became Vice President of The Unity Party, with Hassan Pesaran's rise to power within TUP. (I was also Final Destiny's running partner in the recent Prime Ministerial Elections.)

As of a few days ago, I'm now the Minister of Foreign Affairs, as well as Vice President of The Unity Party and Operations Director at Zycon Industries.

So, there you have it, my credentials and my history laid bare for everyone to examine!

Now I'll detail the foundations which I will base my reasoning for becoming Party President of The Unity Party on.


The Unity Party has, and always will be a beacon of maturity when it comes to politics. We do not get involved in the mudslinging affairs of PCP and UKRP, because there is no point. It creates, as once said by a highly important political figure within the eUK, "an awkward atmosphere". - Widdows9000.

I believe this is indeed one of TUP's best qualities and something that would be deeply damaging should we ever lose it.

I do not believe we should be fighting amongst ourselves, but fighting for a better United Kingdom and with this article comes a promise that I will do my all to maintain the minimal amounts of handbags used by TUP members by what ever means necessary.


Since as long as I can remember, come every election time we've received at least one offer, some times two. These would be offers from UKRP and PCP, tempting us to vote for them. Note that I didn't say form a political alliance because that's seriously not what they ever had in mind.

I know The Unity Party isn't, yet, capable of ousting PCP or UKRP in terms of number of sheep voters, and let's face it, that's what it all comes down to, but please do not insult our pride by asking that we vote for you party, simply because you lost your seat last election.

So, If I'm made Party President, The Unity Party can look forward to a future where we work to make our own future, where we are the ones that are benefiting from our hard work, not another party who's only interest is to gain our votes. Oh and I'll say it now, if that wasn't your only interest, why is it always, "Vote for us, PCP/UKRP, and we'll be really grateful." Not once has it been offered to vote for TUP first, regardless of the fact that No. 10 has been sole property of PCP and UKRP, minus one term, for the entirety of the UK's history.

Don't get me wrong, I understand why you did it, and I don't fully resent your party for taking those actions, so try not to take this as a personal attack.

Future Goals

The single most important priority right now, I believe, is increasing our user base, both in-game and on the forums.

Now, saying it and doing it are two very different things indeed. So how exactly do I plan on getting more members into The Unity Party.

Talent Spotting

I have already begun scouting for new players that are capable, active and intelligent enough to become engaged politicians for the UK and TUP and have succeeded in recruiting a number of new players already.

With a focus geared towards new players we can look forward to a future where our members are not nearing their sell-by-date and hopefully go on to become more prominent members of the community.

Other methods would see us being more vocal and active in both the media and Government platforms, promoting The Unity Party far more than ever before. Plans are also in the works to create and maintain a successful TUP Newspaper, which will keep readers up to date on the successes, downfalls, plans and history of The Unity Party.

So, all in all, if you want a Party President that has an excellent track record, proven to be trustworthy and can dedicate the time required to properly manage the day to day running of our great political party, then please vote for me.


Squiddy - Vice President of The Unity Party.