The Turkish Proposal

Day 617, 15:17 Published in Canada New Zealand by SledDog

There sits before Congress a proposed peace treaty with eTurkey. At present the voting on this treaty proposal stands at 17 For and 14 Against.. I have fought to the maximum on every day of this war, and will fight again tonight in the battle for Yukon, even though I fear that the efforts to retain this territory will be in vain. I mention so as not to be thought of as an appeaser or worse a Quisling. I will fight for eCanada so long as there is an eCanada. But that does not mean that I do not desire an end to the fighting, or at the very least a weakening of the power of our enemies. It amazes me therefore that the voting on this proposal is as close as it is. Peace with Turkey will reduce at least slightly - possibly more than slightly - the power that our enemies can bring to bear against us. In my opinion, this treaty should be passed.