The Truth

Day 766, 08:46 Published in Germany China by Donnie Bronco

Dear ePoles,
Dear eGermans and friends of eGermany,
Dear members of Eden and members of Phoenix,

Some days ago I wrote the article ”It’s a shame”. Sadly the responsible people clearly showed no remorse or the slightest understanding for their actions and the reactions those caused to the German people. But rather they attempt to belittle and mock us and our concerns even tried. The polish MoFA vingaer tried to discredit me and my explanations in her article ”Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei”. I just want to show that the polish president and some of the ePolish citizen knew about what the number is about and that the intention was to insult us.

RL Reference in a video?!
Vingaer, the polish MoFA, tried in an attempt to discredit me by using a video which was on the last place with a big distance! Just to prove ePoles aren´t the only ones living in the past? Let me show you the winners and judge by yourself how bad the eGermans are:

First place, Garibald
Second place, nda1

The “number” 1488 and the truth about the ePolish president
Note: Racism, extremism and related symbolsim are not tolerated in Germany. They are seen as offences against our beliefs and humanity, so you have to understand we are not particularly pleased with that kind of what you might call “jokes” and what you call “fun”.

Let me ask this:
Would you send the symbols of the KKK to Americans for fun?
NO you wouldn´t, it´s stupid, inappropriate and an offense.

I tried to collect different comments but one of the reactions was especially unpleasant (more later). Thanks to google I was also able to recover the ominous article about the number 1488 by the polish president to prove what I said. I had no time to look into the Polish forum but I´m pretty sure that something like a ban of the eNations President will get its own discussion thread even in their Forum. (This is the reason why I don´t believe that the mentioned players including the polish MoFA did this without the knowledge of the meaning!)

The congress had no knowledge about it
“What does it say? That the congress demanded certain amount of money for a peace treaty. So hard to understand it? Congressmen voted for treaty not the number.” (Cozy Koz, Comment ”Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei”)

The first what you could think about the number is something like this. Now I want to show you why I cannot really believe it. The following article was published along with the Peace proposal in ePoland by their President Cerber and linked as &quot😉ebate Area". (If you want to find the article yourself put this on google search: propozycja pokoju z eniemcami peace treaty proposal with egermany and press on "Cache".

But ok, most congressman are two clickers who don´t really care where they vote. So people please DON’T say Shame on Poland. This is one of the comments in my article I really hated. What I hope is that the ePoles will show to the New World that they were against the behavior of the President (and the government) and will impeach him!

Now let me continue. The next what you would think is “He said it is 1% of 1488”, the war costs. BUT let´s take a look at the comments from his ORG.

The article was deleted before I saw it and I just learnt about the reason. And I don´t really know how many congressman saw this. So let me ask:

What do you think?
Was it really just a random number?

My final statement shall be a quote and everyone start asking yourself the questions:

Who are you?
Do you really want to be seen as what your President shows you?

I can tell you as what Germans see themselves:
“You have to see that, a good deal of Germans, especially of those Germans higher educated; and theses are those, who play a game like eRepuplik; will answer the Question “Whats your citizenship?” with “European” or even “Human, isn´t that enough” and often: “Is that important?”.”
(Entorius Yargestein, eGerman Minister of Community, Comment in ”Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei”)

Donnie Bronco
President of eGermany
Deputy Secretary-General of Phoenix

P.S. Merry Christmas