The truth about S.E.E.S

Day 858, 14:22 Published in USA USA by Neal Mcwiggles

S.E.E.S, a legit party that want's to rise to the top? Or a terrorist organization that wants to destroy the game as we know it? Unfortunately it's the second. S.E.E.S is ran by Emerick a manipulative, evil, and genius mastermind. S.E.E.S had formally worked in secret. But it has finally put it's plans into motion. It's current goal is to destroy the eUS and to start on it's destruction of ePoland. I know this because I am a bloc leader. And part of my job is to distribute messages to our "members" and also to our REAL members. the ones that know what's going on. I have finally decided that it is time to tell the world what's really happening because I don't want this game destroyed. I am not told everything but I do know the basics. currently S.E.E.S has 10 members in congress. That is very bad for the eUS. They are also working on destroying the US's economy. S.E.E.S also has congressmen in Poland but I don't know how many or who they are. S.E.E.S must be stopped! before they grow to big and destroy us! And do not underestimate them, they are bigger than you think. They have members in almost every country. We need to stop them now before they do any real damage.

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