Day 2,172, 15:17 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

So let’s begin, despite the advice of my official advisor Nyx Lynx that I do not need to justify anything I felt that ePakistan has gone through enough. Whilst we fight internally Malayasia and Phillipines continue their assault and it’s a matter of time they win support from another country to break our shield.

So let’s start from the beginning, most of what I am about to say is public and you can browse through previous articles that I have written or the relevant ministers at that time have written. But before I get into details I want to clarify my friendship with raao.

Raao to me is a friend, I respect him just as he respects me out of friendship. I have never cared how much money raao has spent in this game and raao has never cared how much money I have spent in this game. In my own opinion raao is a good man and on many occasions a better man than me. He rarely gets involved in fights but somehow always ends up in those fights due to the involvement of Ahsan Shahbaz. Raao has tried very hard to remain on good terms with everyone and this is where I disagree with him. So despite what is said below when I say PRF I really mean Ahsan Shahbaz. Regardless of whatever happens in the next few days, my friendship with raao will not break over this game. My family and his family get along and we had a fantastic time in Rome and was the perfect end to our trip. If you ever have the luxury of visiting raao you will understand how he can remain so calm, it’s because he lives right in front of the beach and has a gorgeous sunrise and sunset. I might from time to time fight with him but what friends do not fight occasionally.

So having covered the raao equation let’s get into the details. You will have to bear with me as this will be a long article.
800 gold + 80k cc

My becoming CP was controversial but expected, I never really wanted to run for CP because quite frankly I can wield the same or higher influence regardless of whether I am the CP or not. So when I did run for CP which was the result of a pretty gruesome fight with Mohammad Bilal and Ahsan Shahbaz, I won.

The original plan at that time after Mohammad Bilal’s first run at CP to endorse Jazy28 as second CP, however unfortunately raao had some personal business to attend to and went inactive. This resulted in a “power vacuum” as he was the bonding force between TSP/DPP and PRF. With his exit from the game, a fight resulted in which I decided to oppose Mohammad Bilal in CP elections. When I did speak to raao and my good friend Shin Gouki it was agreed that what I am doing is not correct and that Mohammad Bilal should continue the second term. Unfortunately there was a bug in the system and I could not endorse Mohammad Bilal so I ran for CP and lost. My vote went to Mohammad Bilal but that was that. It is to be noted that it was actually my idea to endorse Mohammad Bilal for a 2nd term simply because raao was not active. The idea was to keep continuity as Mohammad Bilal’s first term was okay, TSP/DPP was in the Senate which was the brainchild of Ahsan Shahbaz. Ahsan Shahbaz wanted to become Chairman of the Senate but at that time the senate members did not agree and voted raao as Chairman of Senate. Ahsan Shahbaz than resigned from Senate to pursue a career as MoFa under Mohammad Bilal’s first presidency. This is also the time Serbia wanted to pass through to China and basically Ahsan Shahbaz was the chief negotiator. Now I have witnessed Ahsan Shahbaz talking, there is no doubt he can create great twisted articles but real time he is a noob with no understanding of facts.

So in the two months Mohammad Bilal was President, we had Serbia pass through and fail, than we had Uruguay airstrike us and win and this was the time where I got involved in my first war. The policy of Ahsan Shahbaz was to wait for the Serbians to fulfil their deal which basically meant waiting a long time and being at the mercy of the biggest country with ever-changing priorities. This weak position did not sit well with me and together with Strywgr we started a RW against Uruguay strategically planned to start in the morning, so by the time Uruguay woke up we had already ahead and suddenly things looked bright. There were other people who helped in supplies but this was the first war Strywgr and I funded, we bought the tanks and hired mercs. During all this time it is important to note that the only people who had access to the government organizations were dodial and aovelhanegra and no money was ever offered but in all fairness I never asked for any money as I already know Ahsan Shahbaz’s plan was to wait for Serbia to do the job.

So when I did become CP, my objective was to establish our independence. Our relations with our neighbours was non-existent, China hated us, Iran hated us, and India hated us. We were heavily dependent on Serbia which basically meant we couldn’t fight for ourselves and constantly begged Serbia to help us. Serbia is the most powerful country in the world and they are not powerful because of us, so they have their own priorities and own regions to maintain. Our relationship with Serbia was established by kualkerr who when was CP surrender to Serbia which allowed Serbia to advance through Pakistan very quickly to attack China. This should not be perceived in a bad way but was a relationship building move one that has remained intact through-out the years.
When I asked for the passwords to the organizations, I was not replied to, few days went back and I sent back another message to dodial and aovelhanegra that if you don’t give me the passwords I will reset it, to which the answer was the emptying of the State Bank of ePakistan. The 800 gold plus the 80k cc disappeared. I published the screenshots, reset the passwords on all the orgs and if there was some cc left it was all transferred to the treasury.
Now it is extremely important to note that we are talking about money that was present in the orgs that were public knowledge. What transactions were done when and to what effect were never disclosed by the PRF that Ahsan Shahbaz founded. We to this date do not know how much money was spent in the Iran war, we to this date do not know what the collection rate on the gold loans were, no information was EVER shared.

So when Pakistan Army, PAF1 and PAF2 were transferred to the than Chief of Army Staff Raao there was a discovery of 750 gold across the orgs, they were hidden in the monetary market. Whether it was the 800 gold or whether it was something else we do not know. Raao has added his opinion and says that aovelhanegra and dodial are not thieves. This was all public knowledge and all of this was published in articles. So as Ahsan Shahbaz likes to from time to time refer to the real world, the money taken out from the State Bank of Pakistan was not under the instructions of the sitting President of Pakistan TheJakal, it was a robbery committed by an unknown person with the chief suspects being aovelhanegra and dodial. If that was the money that had been illegally transferred to the other orgs than one can dub this as money laundering. Either way, the passwords of those orgs sat with raao for the next 3 – 4 months and that gold was under his supervision and was earmarked to develop Pakistan Army. Due to raao’s personal business he was unable to develop Pakistan Army and eventually went MIA from the game. The passwords were than reset and the gold was converted into cc and used in a war. I honestly don’t remember who was CP than but I think it was Sparkfyre.

So this answers the TheJakal stole 800 gold claim that Ahsan Shahbaz makes from time to time.
Now let’s fast forward to recent events.

First Dr. Walter Bishop, when Dr. Walter Bishop applied for Pakistani CS he was accepted by Heart Stealer, he claimed to be a dioist and if memory serves correct Arfan Khan said he is a good guy. He was active and was keen on getting involved so when the Muz97 and PTI fight started he was more than eager to organize the PTO of PTI. Some of his choice of words in labelling the PTI were not well appreciated within DPP but we stick with our own and went full ahead with it.

It was during this time that the opportunistic Ahsan Shahbaz returned to make his mark and after PTI was thoroughly owned by DPP, Ahsan Shahbaz reached out to faris Khawaja and said come over, we will take TheJakal down. Now this isn’t the first time Ahsan Shahbaz has tried to make a plan on taking TheJakal down, he has tried many times before, called many meetings. For me Ahsan Shahbaz is a nuisance like an annoying fly that no matter how many times you tell it to bugger off keeps returning. For Ahsan Shahbaz I am his obsession, he fails to understand how the guy who fought the Council of Elders and some of the senior players has survived, because if you look at Pakistan’s history I am not the first one, there were quite a few before me who sadly all failed and eventually quit. So Ahsan’s objective in this game is to destroy me and DPP but I will get into more detail on that later as to why the DPP cannot be destroyed.

So when the same old Ahsan Shahbaz tactics started, writing articles, trying to be Mr Important and Mr Wise and talking about unity the senior members in the DPP had enough. So it was decided than to let PRF run a candidate and lead by example vs constantly criticising. Ahsan Shahbaz naturally refused and when I was endorsed as a candidate he went on a full rampage, crying, screaming, accusing. So he struck a deal with Sparkfyre he said PRF will endorse ANY candidate of DPP but not TheJakal. So after internal discussion we put up Didei, I lobbied quite hard for Didei to become President and had to win over Sparkfyre support for it, he has been a good friend of Pakistan for the last money months which is what’s important, above all he came at a time where there was instability in the region, Indonesia – Poland – Australia and we potentially could have had a major war. The timely NAP with Indonesia saved us from that war but the PRF oblivious of international developments is unable to see any of that, instead they labelled him a medal hunter and accused me of selling the CP medal not once but twice. The first one he was referring to was Dio Eraclea was another major asset and friend of Pakistan, but how can you explain to an obsessed man that this isn’t real life and it’s a game. If the person has Pakistani CS than he is by all means a Pakistani. This racism of not allowing a non-white CP standard is ridiculous considering PRF supported bozli back in the days. This statement was just a political stunt to gain the support of PTI members who are also of the belief that only real Pakistanis should hold the highest post.

The idea of putting me up as a candidate was really to get Ahsan Shahbaz to run for CP himself but sadly that tactic didn’t work. Its only later I found out why it didn’t work and that is because raao was planning to return.

DPP in the meanwhile decided not to get involved in government politics and decided not to endorse a candidate for the next elections. The plan was also made that we should utilize the 6000 gold towards the development of GoG players a military unit that Dio Eraclea founded as it was really GoG’s hard work that got us the gold in the first place. Ahsan Shahbaz had he become CP would have wasted it on stupid schemes and since has never really seen a lot of money in-game he would have wasted it.
This was okay for Dr. Walter Bishop who didn’t have a problem with the gold being kept by GoG what didn’t resonate well with Dr. Walter Bishop was our decision not to endorse another CP. Till this time we really had no clue who Dr. Walter Bishop really was except that he was a dioist. Now I have encountered many dioists and all of them are quite passive and not interested in becoming CP, they are only interested in fighting for Pakistan. So he disclosed by in-game msging that he plans on running for CP, I said that I would vote for you if I am in the country but you won’t get an official endorsement from DPP simply because we would like to see PRF live up to its glorified past.
A few days later I than had a chat with Dr. Walter Bishop who enquired about the 6000 gold, I promptly asked for what does he want to use the funds for to which he replied he wants to regain original regions of Pakistan. Now I had heard this line before, PRF, PTI all sing the same song, its politics. I had a heated discussion with Dr. Walter Bishop where I didn’t see any hope in actually achieving that but left it at if he has a good solid plan, we would make available 200k.
This prompted an investigation into Dr. Walter Bishop and what we discovered was shocking. Dr. Walter Bishop isn’t a real dioist, he only used dioism to get into ePakistan and what disturbed many of us even more is that he was formerly chickenguys in eUSA. He changed his name and moved out of the eUSA. Chickenguys ran with Ronald Ripper Regan (RGR) and for those who have ever followed eUSA politics RGR is a PTOer. There were articles of chickenguys trying to extort money out of the eUS government, articles of him passing blocking laws to create havoc. Everyone I spoke to in eUSA turned around and said he would be terrible as a CP for Pakistan.
During this investigation we realized that Dr. Walter Bishop had switched sides, he was now allied with PRF and PTI and wanted their support so that he could become President of Pakistan. The same PTI that was once the target of Dr. Walter Bishops PTO assault was now saying yes sir, yes sir. Although PRF and PTI have not officially supported Dr. Walter Bishop they do have an alliance which was discovered when they accepted the CS of god of blood where faris Khawaja claimed that PTI-PRF-VA have an alliance. DPP will not support Dr Walter Bishop, it will not listen to him and it will not pass any laws that Dr Walter Bishop comes up with. Any attempts to start a RW against China will result in GoG fighting for China as per our agreement with them. The fact that he is becoming CP is the strategic planning of Ahsan Shahbaz who thinks he can use this as another article claiming that he was our man when in reality Dr. Walter Bishop and Ahsan Shahbaz are in bed together.
It became clear that Ahsan Shahbaz had spoken to raao and ever since he was aware of raao’s return did the intensity of articles, anti-dpp and anti-jakal rise dramatically. Realistically Ahsan Shahbaz has zero chance in winning elections or accomplishing anything without the support of raao. You see raao was the legend in PRF, he was the mastercard and the leader and Ahsan Shahbaz’s obsession of taking down TheJakal can only be accomplished if he manages to manipulate information to the different players. So when raao says don’t make any more comments, Ahsan Shahbaz complies but behind the scenes he continues his plotting against me and DPP.
So even though the refund of 6000 gold was old news, just after congress elections Ahsan Shahbaz made a massive issue out of it. WHY? Because the PRF at the close of elections had 28 votes and when the votes were counted for real it was 20 votes. To cover this massive conspiracy he needed a diversion and that diversion ladies and gentlemen was TheJakal and the 6000 gold.
Which reverts me back to my original point on clarifying my relationship with raao, raao doesn’t have to try at all to take me down, we are friends and I play this game for friends not for some patriotic hill billy reason and this is the same concept and philosophy I let trickle down in the ranks of DPP and GoG that don’t worry about what others are doing, worry about what you are doing as a player in this game and it is this reason that has allowed us to have so much fun in the past couple of months that it resulted in increased activity and more participation in international events. I won’t list the accomplishments of individual players from DPP but I can proudly say that I inspired them to be great not for the country, not for the party but for themselves.
Dr. Walter Bishop is passing through, whether he will realize he has no chance of becoming CP or he will become CP and move on. That outcome rests on the shoulders of Ahsan Shahbaz.
Ahsan Shahbaz historically has come on to troll and looking at his profile you can easily see that he has nothing to offer, literally nothing. He is a pure play politician, master of manipulation and deception. Just like our real life politicians who cry, kick and scream at the government in power, promise to make everything better, talk about their glorious times but when it comes to deliver they disappear, become sick, busy and suddenly what was so important for them becomes unimportant.
Yes I have had fights with some people, yes the members in PRF don’t like me, but I will give one example Mohammad Bilal left PRF and joined DPP. When he needed help, DPP was there to help him, not PRF and no one forced him to stay as that is quite impossible to do in this game, he liked what he saw, he liked the spirit and the activity and he stayed. I didn’t like him very much in the start but he has now become a senior member of DPP and the commander of GoG. DPP isn’t about having one or two people control everything and despite the claims that everything happens this way that I am the dictator it is far from the truth. If it was up to me, I would have run for CP, won and pass an executive order declaring Ahsan Shahbaz a lunatic but sadly the party members do not see eye to eye with me on this.

For those of you who are too lazy to read the entire article let me summarize.
1. I didn’t steal 800 gold or claim to have had it.
2. Dr. Walter Bishop is a PTO’er from the eUSA, interested in CP medal and the DPP does not endorse him.
3. PTI – PRF – VA are in an alliance and their candidate is Dr. Walter Bishop.
4. DPP will not contest any upcoming CP elections until further notice as Ahsan Shahbaz’s PRF is crying to prove its worth.
5. The 6000 gold is gone, it was legally authorised by an elected country president who has the right to determine where money goes. It will not be returned as its being deployed to develop GoG.
6. A law and/or executive order needs to be passed declaring the insanity of Ahsan Shahbaz and declaring him ineligible for any public position.

Kind Regards
