The true about the conflict SWE-GER

Day 545, 01:00 Published in Spain Spain by dece

Romania's position regarding conflict SWE-GER

Throughout history, history I never got it in Beta, but I heard stories about what it was .. Romania had 2 close allies: Norway and Sweden. The 2 countries are the few who helped us unconditionally. Who moved armies and payment WP and weapons they have not requested from our government. Countries who have risked and even territorial integrity public image. I speak particularly evident in Norway, and Sweden. Even recently in the fight WSR, Sweden he borrowed gold in 2000, and if it was needed would have helped even more.

Recently, Romania has created November 3 partners, with whom I dozens of hours of discussion: Poland, Croatia, Finland. Poland has 200 soldiers in RO, and many of them feel more Romanian than many Romanians. Gromit, PFTM and POG came to give "buna ziua"(good day) not "dovi dzenia. Croatia have offered to give us everything we had in visterie for WSR, nearly 300 gold, I refused but I was deeply impressed by their offer. So did Finland, a small country, but which proved to be an ally of thrust all times.

Returning to the title.

Staff in HQ ATLANTIS I militated for Germany in ATLANTIS, and I personally mediated a plan that is win-win. At one point both sides have agreed on a plan by which Germany offered a number of regions, so that Sweden have the border with Holland, France, Italy. But the plan has fallen since the day of discussions, even at that bargain from Germany said on the forum german internal plan that it wants to see how Sweden is destroyed and its resources Gold, while they stand apart.

Finding of this position Sweden rightly he changed position and withdrew from negotiations reasons that have never had confidence in Germany, Germany has betrayed the countless times, and apparently will do it once.

On the other hand, Germany has a major problem. DKN in the past had a negative impact on the leadership of this country, DKN fought in 3 boats at once and betrayed both the Swedish and PEACE. DKN apparently still pull the strings in Germany, has access to all orders and all the news, no more has power of persuasion in Congress. He did great work with like Chicco, Franz, Isy people who are a real value. And I think that Germany is primarily an internal problem, DKN that still has too great influence, and as long as DKN ATLANTIS games will not have faith in Germany.

I would have like to coexist alongside the Germans, especially people like Starksad, Chicco are anti-peace, but the lack of diplomacy and poor management have created a situation without return.
I do not want to offend a potential partner, but for Romania 2 things are important:

1. Honor: the debt that we have to best friend from this game
2. Trust: we can not move forward without having to trust partners.

Romania not want a war against Germany, but will support any initiative in Sweden, both in terms of voting and military action.

this was write by sebahmah

and the swedish army news:
The Swedish Military

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