The trial of Chubbzilla

Day 1,433, 11:45 Published in South Africa Brazil by Crumoet

Welcome this is Judge Crum presiding. Today we will be deciding whether or not Chubbzilla is guilty for the crimes of which he has been accused.

Exhibit A

* @ChubbZilla touches baglamas
* @ChubbZilla steals the sheep and shags

Exhibit B - Photos from Chubbzilla's house

Exhibit C

A statement from Dorris* went into great detail over the atrocities that Chubbzilla went into, amongst other crimes he stands accused of catching her and shaving her before performing various sexual acts on her. This picture was entered into evidence:

Dorris will also be putting forward a maintenance claim against Chubbzilla once this trial has been concluded. The offspring of this forced union has been abandoned and Dorris* has had to care for the child all on her own.

Chubbzilla has made a statement in his defense:

<[eSA]Crumoet> Care to provide a statement in your defence?
I didnt do it
<[eSA]Crumoet> 😛
<[eSA]Crumoet> Anything else?
Make clear im not guilty
<[eSA]Crumoet> Just to be clear
<[eSA]Crumoet> You did not have sex with that sheep?
<[eSA]Crumoet> Despite the IRC logs I captured just now saying otherwise.... 😛
<[eSA]Crumoet> Any sheep
of course i did

Exhibit A

In order for a fair trial to be in effect the outcome will be decided by forum vote. Please vote here:

Thank you for your participation in this trial,


Judge Crum

*Names changed to protect the witness