The Top 7 Most Influential Americans

Day 788, 16:47 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton
Hello everyone and welcome to the show. My name is Joe Newton and this is The Newton Factor. This is the show where we talk about the big issues, and offer a logical point of view. A ton going on today everyone, glad you got a hold of the show, however you may have managed to get a hold of it. Tell a bunch of other people about it, would ya?

Today were going to take a look at the most influential Americans.

Number 7



Sydiot is the economic master of Congress. The architect of raising the dollar peg to 0.03, which I have absolutely no understanding of. I’m told it was quite important.

A brief eHistory: I was born in eCalifornia during the HR administration. The ads were full of Scrabman's goodbye articles and the main topic of conversation was the USWP's proposed Congressfreeze. I followed an ad for the Young Socialists and spent my nursery days in the SFP Commune, for which I am very grateful.
During the darkest days of WWIII, I took a position as Ambassador to ePeru, where I met great folks like Wally Wilson and got ankle deep in their PTO and economic problems. I joined the Libs to be like Emerick (lulz), and there I met Daphne Lilac, who introduced me to DanielCD, and later Devoid and Brad Reala. Daphne ran me for Congress and I joined the Budget and Finance Committee where I think I really found my stride. Since then I've been joined at the hip with the national budget, monetary policy, and the US economy as a whole.

Where do you live IRL?: I live in Los Angeles, in a beautiful Hollywood apartment with my even more beautiful girlfriend.

How old are you IRL?: I am 27 years old.

What’s your RL name?:My true identity is my most valuable asset, I must keep it secret at all times.

Favorite color?: My favorite color is white

Favorite food?: My favorite food is Thanksgiving.

What impact has eRep had on your RL life?: eRep has devastated my RL productivity, but I love it. Being ambassador to Peru helped my Spanish, being Secretary of the Treasury has forced me to know my economics and think critically about how to apply it to the simulation. So what if its a waste of time? I've met some great folks on here and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Number 6


Rod Damon

You all probably have no idea who this guy is. But he keeps us safe. Rod runs the organization none of us know exist, the CIA. I’d tell you what he does specifically, but then I’d have to kill you. Rest assured, he deserves this spot.

He's too secretive to answer my questions.

Number 5



Another respected figure in American politics, Woxan knows it all. He’s been a VP, on the economic council and a presidential candidate. The only thing he just can’t seem to manage is to be President. But he’s not going anywhere. February perhaps?

A Brief History:I started in February, fought the 3 best wars in eRepublik (Taco Bell, Romania v Indo, and then the American invasion) and now float around spreading the wisdom of game mechanics.
Where do you live IRL?:California
What's your name IRL?:Brad
Favorite color?:Green
Favorite food?😛izza
How has eRep impacted your life IRL?😛ointed out what was sinking time in my life( this game is a time sink). When you get away long enough from this you can see how it effects you.

Number 4


Josh Frost

A massive figure in the USA, in the form of a cute kitty cat, Frost has done it all. He is a well respected member of the eUS, and recently broke the news to the eUS that Emerick is no more.

A Brief History: I was born in Colorado. I joined the National Guard and fought in French Toast. I ran for Congress in Colorado. I stopped a Hungarian PTO of Spain, by buying them votes when Scrabman was president. Later I became a Brigadier General in the Airborne and The XO of the Air Force, which I built from the ground up. I defended a lot of countries from PTO and organized the attempted PTO of France.After that I won a congressional seat in Florida and served on term. I was also Emerick's and Gaius Julius's Sec. of Defense. I focues primarily on organizing Resistance Groups during the North American invasion. I later founded ST6 which is one of the most successful privately funded paramilitary squads in the world. I became POTUS and am now the Party President of the USWP.

Where do you live IRL?:Colorado

How old are you IRL?:31

What’s your real name?:Josh

Favorite color?:Blue.

Favorite food?: Prime Rib.

What impact has eRep had on your RL life?: It soaks up a lot of my free and not so free time.

Do you know where Emerick is?:Yes, but I will never tell where he is.


Number 3


Gaius Julius

A titan of a man, Gaius has really done it all. VP, POTUS, JCS...this man keeps America running. Fun Fact: Zoli loves Gaius.

A Brief History:I have done everything from SoS to CJCS to President. I've made my eLife about helping people through my actions. I've met a lot of cool people and they have defined my game experience more than any achievement. You don't expect that you would meet so many cool people on the internet. I have been lucky to get to know these people and they make this game worth playing, despite its horrible bugs.

Where do you live IRL?:I go to college in Virginia, and live in Princeton, NJ when I am on breaks.

How old are you IRL?: Not saying 😛

What’s your RL name?: Only like 5 people know and I like it that way 🙂

Favorite color?: Periwinkle is a jawesome color.

Favorite food?: Food would be Pizza

How has eRep affected your RL life?: eRep has allowed me to meet some amazing people from other countries. I have made friends with people like Durruti and Zoli, who I never would have met had I not played this game. This game boils down to community. The people I have met on here have become real life friends. This game has taught me about a lot of RL cultures and countries and the amazing people who live there.

Number 2



First "Harlot attacks without initiative".
Now "Harlot can into space".
It would be a crime if Harlot wasn't on this list. He beats Gaius by his sheer force of personality.
If he said jump, the eUS would.

A Brief History:I get credit for the work of many ppl. I was just good at getting the right ppl in the right job. Then I retired

Where do you live in RL?😮hio

How old are you IRL?😮lder than most of your readers

What’s your RL name?:Franz Heinrich

Favorite color?:Blue

Favorite food?: pork chops with applesauce

How has eRep impacted your life?😒till haven't gotten divorced tho that was on the table at times

And the number 1 is….

Number 1



VP, POTUS, EC what hasn't this dude done? He's our Jew, and as POTUS is the most Influential.

A Brief History:I started out in Turkish-occupied Jerusalem District, played for a week around 5-15 wellness, and finally got a moving ticket to USA. From there, I became a congressman three days after I hit the level requirements, set many financial and procedural precedents that are still used today, helped manage the Fort Knox issue when Franco/Harrison Richardson sold off all of the money, argued/formed the PANEC tax system we use today, and have acted as Vice President three times and now President twice - being an adviser in some shape or form to every President since Benn Dover.

Where do you live IRL?:Middle Tennessee, USA

How old are you IRL?:20 years old (I'm a youngin'!)

What’s your name IRL?:Matthew, though my friends prefer Levi.

Favorite color?😛urple

Favorite food?:anything of Hispanic origin. Not so much Taco Bell, though.

How has eRep impacted your RL life?:Well, I met a really close friend on here that is going to my dream college (Gaius Julius), I have met people from around the world that have given me a grasp of how other cultures really are (DomiBoss, rocker-ma), and it has helped me figure out how to deal with people over a text-based medium (which is much harder than just talking to them face to face!).

Honorable Mentions

Astra kat g

A well respected member of the eUS political body, Astra has sway with congress even when she isn’t in it. She’s one of the people that keep it running, and we should all be grateful. She also has 1,000+ subs to her paper. I’m jealous.

A Brief History:I was eBorn in New Jersey, a bright and inquisitive new citizen who quickly took to the game by browsing the eRep Wiki, asking questions of everyone I met, and stalking the Help Forum on eRepublik's official forums. I was a little too quick of a learner, in fact, and after a couple of weeks of eLife found myself facing accusations of being a certain prominent citizen's multi! Luckily, since then, I was able to prove myself in Congress. After three terms, I retired to pursue other pursuits, having made many good friends.

Where do you live IRL?:Central New Jersey, USA. Rather prefer to not get more specific than that.

How old are you IRL?:26.

What’s your name IRL?😒ame as I sign all my articles: Katherine Gallagher.

Favorite color?:Green

Favorite food?😒paghetti+meatballs.

How has eRep impacted your RL life?:I keep IRL and eRep separate, but I admit there have been a few times when I was mass-messaging Congress over an important law instead of working! The impact on my free time was one of the reasons I didn't run for Congress again.

Lt. Scheisskopf (Poo head)

It must be noted that having almost 3,000 subscribers is an extremely hard thing to do. Poo Head has a very large and loyal following. He puts out some amazing articles, but misses our list because of not holding any powerful position.

A Brief History:I was born on Day 578, during the downfall of Atlantis and shortly before the PEACE invasion. I mostly two-clicked for a while, and joined the Mobile Infantry just before WW3 started. Since then, I've moved through the MI officer ranks and became a private in the Airborne, where I am now. I briefly served as an Ambassador to eVenezuela and attempted to get an MPP with eVen while eColombia was invading. And during all that time, I have been writing in the Stars and Stripes Journal-- mostly unbiased military-related articles, but I had a series of eRep innovations which I wanted to show the admins.

Where do you live IRL?:I'm just outside of DC, in Silver Spring, Maryland.

How old are you IRL?:I'm 22 and just graduated from college in May.

Favorite color?:Favorite color is Blue

Favorite food?:my food of choice is a good steak or any kind of seafood.

How has eRep impacted your RL life?:eRep has given me something to do after work, and my newspaper is an outlet for me to write about topics that interest me-- different than what often happens at work 😃


Another mammoth with a huge amount of subs. That alone makes him a powerful influence.

A Brief History😕ets see, I was eBorn in the state of Virginia and started writing newspapers as soon as I was able. The North American War definitely gave me much to talk about. My work was noticed by the Army early on and they enlisted me to help in the Public Affairs Office. Later on I would make an attempt to run for congress in Virginia but alas lost the election 12 votes to 7. After that I focused on my military career and work with my newspaper.

Where do you live IRL?:I live in the great Commonwealth of Virginia in real life.

How old are you IRL?:I am 23 years old

What’s your name IRL?:My name in real life is classified : )

Favorite color?:My favorite color is green

Favorite food?:My favorite food is Pizza

How has eRep impacted your RL life?:Well, eRep has definitely helped me hone my writing skills, that's for sure. I drive my classmates nuts with my ability to conjure 10 page essay's out of thin air. I'm able to get A's on my English papers without even trying now, which is definitely a big help.

Traditional Quote: Have taken Trier with two divisions. What do you want me to do? Give it back? -Patton
Reply to a message from General Dwight Eisenhower to bypass the German city of Trier because it would take four divisions to capture it

NOTE: Emerick is not included, because he no longer plays eRep.

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