The Thunder Rolls

Day 882, 13:06 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe


After many months of internal struggle within the EDEN alliance, the point of no return has been reached, and now we face a possible invasion by those with we have fought alongside of for many many months, the storm is on the horizon. The "official" word is that Poland is aiming to gain a high oil region, but I remain suspicious.

Poland and Spain have region swapped and now Poland is declaring war on Mexico. Why, Oil? This is interesting.

If Poland aims to invade us, they will likely be aided by several counties. For those of you born post WW3 and have never fought through an invasion, now more than ever it is imperative that you follow DoD orders and fight smart and fight with weapons. Keep an eye on the media, read and follow instructions, stock up on goods. We need to prepare for the possibility of invasion.

For those who have been through this before, you know the drill, lets help everyone fight effectively as a nation, stock up, LOCK and LOAD!

United we will stand, together we will TRIUMPH. This will be fun, XD.