The third wave

Day 1,389, 10:47 Published in Ireland Ireland by loyen

I found that while surfing the internet, If you have time to read it, read it, it's a true story, and it is spooky!

If you don't have the time to read, here is a small summary:

In the 60's, an history teacher, Ron Jones, was teaching is students about nazi germany, and about autocratie and totalitarian states, when somebody asked him, "Mr Jones, How could the German populace claim ignorance of the slaughter of the Jewish people. How could the townspeople, railroad conductors, teachers, doctors, claim they knew nothing about concentration camps and human carnage. How can people who were neighbors and maybe even friends of the Jewish citizen say they weren't there when it happened."

The teacher couldn't answer that question, but he tried to find the answer in a very special way. He asked his students "Could a dictatorship happen today in Europe" they all answer No, because they were taught about it, and were aware.
But that teacher tried, for a week, to create a nazi-like movement, called the third wave. He create salutes, signs, uniforms, motto ect. and made his student join it, for a week, but it became too big, it became a real fascims movement, spreading to other classes, the staff, and other schools. A secret police was formed by the students, a student became mr Jones's body guard, and conspiracies were set up agaisnt him,

He had to stop it, so he told all of his students, "There'll be a meeting, on friday, at noon, were the "actual" leader of the movement will be talking, on the T.V, because your group isn't the only one"

There was only a class (30 teens) at the start, and more then 200 came at the meeting, all looking at the screen, but nothing appeared, so he said, "This was only a game, you have been manipulated, and it should show how the humans are, they need a guide, and this could some one really nice, but it could be a monster, Some one asked me a question about why would the german population deny everything, well, you'll be able to answer that question now."

Most of them could not believe it was true, they all denied this meeting was fake and never happened, some even cried.

Please take the time to read this, it was writen by Ron Jones, the teacher: