The Switzerland Scoop #4

Day 784, 15:19 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512">" border="0" />
A little late, I know, but I didn't just want to WASTE the picture.

And now for the daily scoop!
President Eleriel (did I spell that right?) almost got impeached!

Why? I dunno. Apparently someone got pissed that he won. Funny, I remember this exact same thing happening to nicktheh when he was president.

Greece is busy serving up Turkey in the Aegean Coast.

I'm not really sure what this is but it's hilarious!

Oh, and I almost forgot! Every article needs a mouthwatering picture of ice cream!

I hope I've cheered up your day, even if just a little bit. Don't forgot to vote and subscribe!
(Russians, you can голосовать too!)