The Sweet Success of Independence

Day 1,301, 05:04 Published in Philippines Philippines by EZEX Lacroa

Like its real life counterpart, the ePhilippines also had its own share of brutalities and cruelties from its conquerors.

I would like to start this piece by rearranging the history of the ePhilippines to replicate the Philippines.

First, the Spanish "Invasion." In the real history, the Spanish who conquered us were fearsome and devious. Yes, they were cunning, but the success of their colonization is because the Philippines was, as it is right now, divided into tribes, ethnicity and religion. It was always a power war between our ancestors. The Spanish "only" took advantage of that. Whereas in the eRepublik-verse, the invasion did not happen for we are united at that time.

The so-called "Secret Invasion" was foiled by yours truly, with the help of Agent JC Denton, and purge_0809. Whereas the Secta del Guru Varnish (SdGV) planning to recreate history. The people at that time, along with the British headed by Big Boy Bulley (BB😎, resisted this plan at once.

Therefore, the "knock-offs" had been weighed, measured, and had been found wanting. End of story (as it will be complex if I were to right the full account)

Next is the American Colonization of the Philippines. I would like to point out that there are no attempts, as of this writing, from the eAmericans to do the same. But the essence of the "Colonization" was done by the eBritish. At first, most of the eFilipinos, weary from the war that took place right before their arrival, resisted the eBritish. There were no conflicts, whereas in Philippine History was the Philippine-American War, between the eBritish and eFilipinos. It was diplomacy at its best.

The eBritish, led by BBB and DeathToll_32, wanted to have a peaaceful place to live in as well as help the developing country they'll be moving to. They wanted not to rule it as they only wanted to build it.

Finally, we go to the "Marcos era". I need not to elaborate the real life events as it will be too long to write and discuss. But I will give light to its parallel, the "Bunaly Fiasco."

The "Fiasco" happened during the first days of this country. The eTurks, eBrazilians and eIranians landed, created parties of their own, ran for elections and tried to either split or sack the whole treasury.

This is where we were united by our own eFilipino people. With the help of n3m0, an eIndonesian, blitzwithlimes and JaMat spearheaded the propaganda againts the Fiasco-mates. And with the act of impeachment initiated by Mauve Traugott (pardon if I spelled her name wrong), the "Fiasco" ended with a few flame-wars but it was remembered as the Independence of the eFilipinos from foreign influence.