The Sunday Tabloid 1—Because No News is Good News!

Day 2,671, 14:13 Published in Australia Australia by JackTrout

Welcome to the first edition of the Sunday Tabloid! I decided we need something for entertainment with absolutely no news whatsoever. It will have three sections. The first is a cartoon, the second is a puzzle, and the third is the swimsuit section. So here you go, Page 1:

Now onto our puzzle. I’m starting with a Hashi, or Bridges, puzzle. If or how you print it or if you just edit it in lightshot is entirely your problem. If you like other types of puzzles, or find this too hard or too easy, just let me know in comments. If you just want to skip to the swimsuit photo, that’s fine too. It’s your paper and your Sunday!

Rules of Bridges puzzles:

-Draw bridges (lines) between the islands (numbered circles)
-The number of bridges connecting an island must equal the number in the circle
-The maximum number of bridges connecting two islands is 2
-The bridges connect islands horizontally or vertically
-The bridges may not cross each other
-The bridges and islands must form a single connected group

Here’s an example:

Get it?
Now here’s your puzzle. Go on, have a go…

Ok, I know you’ve been waiting for this bit… Here is the swimsuit section, which I prefer to call "Excellent Creatures":

One for the gents…

And one for the ladies…

And finally, one for the scientists…

The Devil’s Flower Mantis from Africa

(You want more info, you look it up— I told you: No news!)

Hope you’ve enjoyed the first edition. Let me know if you want changes—I can’t read your minds (well, some I can, and no, we’re not going full on skin mag).

Cheers— Have a great Sunday!-- JT