The story repeats itself

Day 1,525, 14:46 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Ice Killa

Some may say that superpowers in this game have a cult status, cannot be broken and will always find a way back to the top, some may say that it's a mission impossible for the smaller countries to defend themselves, some may say everything can be solved with diplomacy. And as you could guess, all of the above is correct, but we must keep in mind that the main and important thing that makes a country great is its humbleness, being prepared to let go of things in the name of the alliance, creating your own name around eRepublik. It will repay you many times, although it's hard to be aware of that, no one seems to be interested in assisting their allies and people are then just wondering why the alliance, why the group of nations are cooperating well together, well, there you go, you have a perfect answer there. And as you could notice, things are yet again repeating themselves, Serbia on the brink of defeat and full occupation, other countries again trying to get on top of their game in their surrounding areas, for example Macedonia is on its way across the Apenine peninsula - although that's one of the rare successes that the ONE countries experienced lately. Poland did some moves against Germany but eventually made a peace treaty with its neighbor, the way is open to Ukraine now and it's just a matter of time when the Poles will strike the mentioned EDEN country.

Serbia again reaching its bottom, occupation could be imminent. Serbs are currently attacked from three sides by Bosnia, Bulgaria and Croatia and seem to be losing everywhere. Sooner or later the Balkan superpower will return to its former glory.

Serbia again experiencing full anger of EDEN
Quite interesting, some would add, other could just say that it was just a matter of time and that these things repeat themselves from time to time, although it did come as a surprise that Serbia is unable to withstand against its enemies, the surprise is even bigger that just recently Serbs were winning in battles against Bosnia and Croatia. So we can ask ourselves, did anything change, what went wrong. Nothing went wrong, EDEN and Terra together are just stronger than ONE, as ironical as it may sound. Success can't be long term when you are altogether weaker than your opponents.

From tactical view Serbia is getting pushed from north by the ever dangerous Croatia, from the west via Bosnia and south is dominated by Bulgaria that isn't showing any mercy - as it may be obvious, the attempts of propaganda by ONE were unsuccessful and Bulgarians remain to be part of EDEN, Turkey at this moment is still not a full member of the alliance and can only be regarded as an observer. EDEN might conquer Serbian territories for a short period of time, but it will come at a high price, Croats have already experienced some problems in the west, to be more precise in the Mexican, Colombian and Venezuelian regions that they are occupying, in Europe they still have an Italian region Tuscany. This brings us to another revealing, Croatia is doing the same mistake as Serbians were doing more or less all the time until now, it is overexpanding. The consequences are yet to be seen.

Poland signing a peace treaty with Germany
At first glance it can sure be regarded as an interesting development of events, but if we take a closer look, both sides profit from this deal. The once strongest country in the northern part of Europe isn't as dominating as it used to be and is nowadays not able to fully conquer Germany with ease, to think about Netherlands and France is another story. Even if Poles decided to go for French territories they would soon receive the same unpleasant surprise as it had occured few weeks ago - they lost all of their colonies, they were even deleted for a short time. It's what greed brings.

Poland quite surprisingly signed a peace agreement with Germany. Germans will let go off a few regions in proximity to the Polish border and thus enable Poles to get additional bonuses.

Ukraine will be most likely the next Polish target.

In the nearby future we can most likely assume that Poland will target Ukraine and if the attack is a success, Russia will be next.

Spanish baby boom - can it influence on things?
Most likely not, but we will see what time brings. At the moment Spain is having many problems with USA and Brazil that are trying to completely conquer the Spanish territories. So far without any major breakthroughs since Spaniards keep liberating new regions.

Spain is still under almost a complete occupation, only individual regions are controlled by Spanish side.

From a tactical point of view it's just a matter of time when Spain will manage to liberate even more of its conquered land, possibly even the baby boom could make some difference - it is known that the new players can make quite a substantial damage.

Macedonia sailing through the Italian regions
From being the masters of the Middle East to being completely occupied, Macedonia has arisen once more. This time Italy is its next target and so far everything is going according to the plan. We may ask ourselves at this point if Macedonian and Slovenian side will decide to share the Italian regions, but at this point it's just a matter of time when Italy will be occupied and we can most likely assume that Slovenia will not extend the agreement with Italy on 5th of February that states that Slovenians and Italians have an agreements where Slovenia gets specific regions while Italy receives around 180g in cash.

Macedonia has successfully began her conquest of Italy, it's more or less just a matter of time when the Apenine peninsula will be fully occupied by Macedonians.

Back to Macedonia, when the Apenine peninsula gets conquered we can expect actions towards France or even against Greece at the very best. We must be aware that Macedonians don't want to be erased once more and when they left Italy to dominate the Middle East they realized what a mistake they made, this time we can doubt they will repeat that mistake unless they get once more beaten via the enemy countries. And as such, it wouldn't be much of a shock if the Macedonian government decided to switch their capital to Italian regions once more, thus repeating history.

Slovenian deal with Italy

A deal meant for Slovenia to keep her bonuses while Italy wanted to keep her sovereignty, and as it appears in this very given moment, that will be almost an impossible task for Italians. The agreement gives Slovenians control of all the needed regions that give us bonuses, except Tuscany which is controlled by Croats. In return Slovenia will pay 180g to the Italian side.

Doubts remain whether Slovenian or Italian side will stick to the agreement.

Even though the agreement was signed, the fate of it is clear...Once, when you are weak, no one will want to listen to you and as such, you can expect only one thing, being deleted once more and continue your tragic life as a country in eRepublik.

Again we can see that countries are showing their strenght, muscles and even the will to survive, something that was sometime ago not even present, the game lost all its appeal to some, they were simply said just occupied too long and found it all pointless - to even fight for the independence. Now, when alliances are tied, or some would say, when the oppressed gained the upper hand, things are getting interesting again, they are in need of revenge and want to straighten up things. This brings us to another topic and that is that this game is a never ending circle of changes, moments of glory and moments of sadness will always be present, but people often remember only the first ones - memory of the good times which makes people dream on and hope for better.

Best regards,
Ice Killa aka Howly