The State of the Economy

Day 1,162, 03:13 Published in Malaysia USA by Dr. Straatman

Recently, the eMY economy has been extremely hectic. Food prices rise and fall uncontrollably and the average citizen appears to have no idea what is going on. So, hopefully over the next few weeks I'll be able to continue these articles that can explain why the market is doing what its doing so that the citizens at least have a better understanding.

The Market

eRepublik has essentially forced a capitalist economy on the eNations of the eWorld. It is very possible to have other forms, but these are very hard to do since the government cannot have complete control over a country's economy. So in order to have a good economy, the citizens have to understand how a capitalist economy works. The basic principal of a capitalist economy is supply and demand.

"The four basic laws of supply and demand are:

1. If demand increases and supply remains unchanged then higher equilibrium price and quantity.
2. If demand decreases and supply remains the same then lower equilibrium price and quantity.
3. If supply increases and demand remains unchanged then lower equilibrium price and higher quantity.
4. If supply decreases and demand remains the same then higher price and lower quantity."

So essentially, if you have too much stuff and not enough buyers, the price declines as company owners lower prices to sell their product. If you don't have enough stuff, prices rise as company owners realize that players are willing to pay more to get what they need. So what I'm saying is, in order for the prices to decrease, we need higher supply and the same or less demand. So all those eMY citizens that are working overseas, but buying products in eMY, are only hurting the economy even more. I realize completely that you can make a better salary overseas, but you are doing a far greater damage to the country of eMY by working outside the country.

The Monetary Market

The Monetary Market has also been slowly falling lately, this is due to many factors. Many of those factors can't be avoided, but a few can. A few players have recognized the possibility of profiting off the gradual decrease in worth of the Malaysian dollar. As a businessman I applaud you, but as a Malaysian I am ashamed to call you a fellow citizen.

For the average citizen, the monetary market can be extremely daunting. If you don't take the time to understand it and don't have the privilege of a good mentor, you might never truly understand even the basics of it. There are a few basic things about the Monetary Market I think every citizen should know.

1. The Monetary Market is controlled by the populace

When you go to buy MYR or Gold on the market, the offers you buy are posted by citizens of eRepublik. You can post offers just as easily as they can, if the Monetary Market crumbles, it isn't the fault of the government, it is the fault of every single person that resided in that country.

2. Posting offers is better than buying up existing offers

Choosing to post an offer rather than just buying up the offers currently on the market will get you more "bang for your buck." For example, I could buy 1 Gold from olvia right now for 180 MYR, or I could post my own offer on the other side of the market and buy 1 Gold for approximately 143 MYR. Granted the difference isn't always this large, there is always a difference between the two.

3. Buying up existing offers right now actually hurts eMY

When a currency is in decline, as players buy up the offers on the market the value of the dollar slowly decreases more and more. Deciding to buy up existing offers rather than posting your own inevitably leads to the complete destruction of the dollar and complete and total implosion of the economy. There is currently only 20.5 Gold up for sale on the Monetary Market and they are for ridiculous prices. The MYR is very close to being worth absolutely nothing, this is something that should never be allowed to happen.

Basix Corporation

The slogan is fitting

When I created Basix Corporation just two weeks ago, I did not expect the Malaysian dollar to sink as low as it has. I expected some inflation because of the new economic module and some other factors, but I didn't expect a complete meltdown. What eMY now has to do is essentially start over, I mentioned this earlier this month in a forum post. eMY has gone way off track and there is no better time than right now to fix it, in fact if we do not fix it now, the process will be much harder and take much longer.

The most important thing right now is not to panic, panic will only make the situation worse. Getting the economy back on track will not be simple, it will not be a quick process and it will not be cheap. The best way to accomplish the restoration of the eMY economy is for the business owners of eMY to come together and agree to help restore it together. It shouldn't be a tough decision, after all, if the economy collapses, how will we make our profits? As for the average citizens, it is very important that, if you support eMY, you come back to eMY, work in eMY companies and buy eMY products. The only thing that keeps a capitalist economy rolling is the constant flow of money changing hands.

Job Offers

I have multiple job openings available for those willing to help. I offer good wages and great benefits. If you work for 5 days in a row at 100 wellness, I will give you 3 Q2 Food, absolutely free. If you fail to work at 100 wellness for a day, I'll mail you and find out what went wrong and work with you to insure your wellness is always as high as possible. This not only helps me, but it helps the economy as well. The higher your wellness, the higher your productivity which means the better my profits and the better I can help eMY as a whole. Depending on your skill, you may also qualify to work with a booster everyday. I will pay for the booster myself and you benefit by getting more skill points everyday. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

1)Work in eMY and buy in eMY
2)Post your own offers on the Monetary Market, rather than buying up the offers of others
3)Come work for me, I LUVZ you more than those other guys

No one will save eMY except the players that call it home. We can't expect the company owners that export here to save it, they have other markets to sell too. If you truly call eMY home, then come home and help her grow.


EDIT: I meant to include this earlier, but forgot. You can mail me if you have any questions about the Monetary Market or the economy in general and feel free to mail me for details about my job offers.