The Stalemate

Day 1,007, 17:24 Published in Canada Canada by OsricWindsmir

This is a victory for neither side. eCanada didn't leave them with 3 regions, eUK have taken back more. Pulling out of the war when the tide turns is no victory it is cowardice masked by virtue. eUK says we surrendered, we might have pulled out but we didn't ask them to stop, so they did not win either. eCanada still controls part of eUK. Acacia, step up and admit you did not win, but you didn't lose either. The Maddog and the eUK government should do the same. Articles written by both governments and citizens of their respective countries claiming victory or that the otherside surrendered is a load of crap. This war ended in a stalemate, neither side can claim victory. Be happy it ended this way, eUK could have kept pushing and could have attacked eCanada. Acacia says he was coming for John Barlett and London but when when the tide turns it's "handing them our gold for no reason".
Now the government has spent A LOT of gold on this, lets see our rewards shall we? NE of Englan😛 Grain😕ow, Oil😕ow, Titanium😕ow, Stone😕ow, Iron😕ow. Northern Irelan😛 Grain😕ow, Oil= Medium, Titanium😕ow, Stone😕ow, Iron😕ow. Scotlan😛 Grain=Medium, Oil😕ow, Titanium😕ow, Stone😕ow, Iron😕ow. SW of Englan😛 Grain= Medium, Oil😕ow, Titanium😕ow, Stone😕ow, Iron😕ow. Wales Grain=Medium, Oil=Medium, Titanium😕ow, Stone😕ow, Iron😕ow. If you don't believe me check the page for those regions yourself. eUK said they were useless but that was mostly just bitterness. However though they are mostly useless, most of them are LOW, with some medium and NO HIGH. That won't help our economy. This war hasn't helped our economy (even though we were told the opposite), I don't know about you but my wages haven't gone up, the economy hasn't boomed. Now once I publish this i'm gonna get critisized from all those people who believed we won or someone else will critisize my past articles if they don't find anything here they can trash. That bothered me at one time, but now I don't care. I'm here to show you the otherside of things. I'm not some dog who follows what his CP tells him to without taking somethings into consideration. People commenting means people are listening, and i'm here to let you listen to the otherside. Nothing is wrong with taking a different stance, people deserve to know both sides to a story.