The Spin Doctors are In

Day 997, 14:01 Published in Canada South Africa by Dycey Farley

I’ve been reading Admin’s Updates as well as player comments and I’ve discovered something:
Admin = AdSpin and I’m tired of being run in circles.

We’re not pawns, nor are we stupid, yet the money mongers who design eRep seem to believe we are. Their diversionary tactics and marketing ploys aren’t creating the smokescreen they hope – too many of us can see right through them.

In the Insider discussing Day 1000, they ask us to create meet-ups then post pictures and videos. WHY? Because our happy faces will be used by Bonte & Company to help market their product. Will we be compensated for the use of our images and words? No. Yet, our presence on their Twitter and Facebook pages, and the links to them they’ll provide the media will help them create the image of having created the “Happiest Place on Earth.” Sorry, that’s already taken.

Speaking of Mickey Mouse …

The latest survey focuses on the importance of community. Don’t fall for it – the information will be used to create further spin and your comments will be used in their marketing. Don’t tell them you’re willing to publicize their game by inviting your friends – Heck, if someone invited me to this buggy game right now I’d kick their shins. Use it as a platform to, again, voice our true concerns. You can place comments in 2 places – say no to inviting friends and voice the game’s greed-driven issues in the comments boxes. Let’s not give them more fuel for their smokescreen when we can dissipate it with the truth.

We’re invited to make posts on their Twitter and Facebook pages? Should we bother? Of course we should – we should use both as forums for truth. If they won’t tell it as it is, we will.

Here are some of the issues that are fueling my frustration these days:

How many players are having to find ways around Log In so they can even get onto the game? This has been going on for 48 hours that I know of. It seems a bad business choice not to make this a top priority.

When will the MPP issues be fixed? eCountries would like to have some war – Admin would like to make profits from war. Doesn’t it seem logical that MPPs would be fixed so more countries could get involved?

We were told we could use BBC codes in articles again. We were even given a link regarding what BBC codes are. Yet, they aren’t working efficiently. We paid for our papers – they weren’t given to us for free – we need to get all the features we had when we gave gold to create these pages.

My favorite spins:

We’ve had so much BS piled on us in the past weeks that we could open a successful fertilizer business. My favorite recent spin is the Food Consumption Project.

The daily 70 Wellness check didn’t work properly, so we sent tickets. Admin’s reaction? Remove it!
So, if something that might save us money doesn’t work well, it’s to be ditched rather than fixed? And this is good news why? But they’ve come up with a “solution” to replace the 70 wellness check, right?

You bet! They’ve “heard” our “complains” (… uhhh … the word is complaint). In answer to the huge cost of wellness during battle they’re giving us an opportunity to BUY added food each day. Allowing us to heal back to 70 in battle is a temporary adjustment until they roll out the expensive food plan. Tell me, friends, how many of you are being paid such a high wage that you can afford to eat 10 or 20 times per day? I’m certainly not. So how can we take advantage of this generous gift from Admin? Oh, yeah – by buying gold! Sure, they have a morsel of food in one hand, but while you’re reaching for it they’re shoving their other hand in your pocket, grabbing at your wallet.

If Admin would make one decision that wasn’t purposed with profits, player satisfaction would improve. We all understand and appreciate that expenses must be met and that people have the right to profits. However, eRep is going too far.

While Bonte tries to remind us daily that it’s the community that matters, that the friendships we’ve made should be our focus, he works to push our community to the very edge of what we’ll tolerate financially. If the community is so very important, why is he consistently chasing it away? How many of us have lost friends because they simply couldn’t deal with the BS in the game anymore? So what’s really important … community or community banks?

Keep your voices raised, my friends. Let’s continue to stand together in order to protect the community Admin’s greed would destroy. We may war with each other on the battlefield … we may argue with each other on irc … but when it comes to protecting the global community we need to stand together!