The Sounds of Silence

Day 373, 20:23 Published in USA USA by Lowell Kennedy
Title from Simon & Garfunkel

The vision of the eAmerican dream slowly seeps from my brain. Yet it persists, despite the sounds of silence. There are no reminders as to what my goals are. I must dedicate and remind myself that building the Yellow Party to be a place to help the new players is a goal. Frequently, I have to recall my goals for this game. I do not believe myself to be alone in this regard. Amidst the articles of wars, campaign promises, and advertisements, the currents of this new world carry us away from reasons why we started and towards the reasons why we remain.

We must start aiding new players as they join. Citizens from the Beta era have different experiences, but the idea remains the same: we all should help new players gain reasons to stay. If they don’t, they will become inactive and die. They will wonder why anyone devotes time to eRepublik. The Spanish Wars may offer those experiences to many. However, we must reach out to them to get them involved.

We start this game with grand aspirations of becoming the next Lincoln, Rockefeller, or Grant. Slowly we realize that those dreams will only be attained by a select few of accomplished individuals. Yet we are not ordinary because we don’t become historical figures. We are a part of the presidents and generals of our countries. Our activity is vital to the building of virtual gifts or tearing downing virtual walls. We are extraordinary in our normalcy. Don’t let that be forgotten. Let this article serve as a reminder, as noise, that we should interrupt the ho-hum silence that we can fall into in this game. We need to offer new players experiences that give them reason to return. I hope to offer that within my party.