The Solution for a Declining Nation

Day 1,081, 14:49 Published in USA United Kingdom by HobbitTon

Would you like to hear some Pig Latinish muzak?
~Hopefully a good article to enrich this crappy United States media? Of course.~

United States Department of Human Resources Application
Russian PTO Form
~I encourage you to fill out that first form if you want to get involved within the United States. It would be in your best interest to do so. If you want to go to Russia and go PTO the vodka out of them, the second form is for you. Remember, if you are PTOing in Russia, vote for alpho!~ If you have a lot of friends, please shout this!

As I am writing this article under the large maple tree adjacent to my fat mud hut, I am heavily captivated at how website has kept me trudging on for hours on end for the last few months. Even with the pressing bugs and unique Serbian trolls, I ponder why I just have not left this game yet, but the answer is simple. The game of eRepublik has for multiple years appealed to such a vast audience because it gives you freedoms of what you want to be. In other words, this virtual world gives you the priceless opportunity of vividly living a second life. Neato, huh?

In all honesty, take some time to think about it. There are so many possibilities that it is just mind-boggling. One might have the chance to become an internationally prodigious writer who captivates the New World his creative vocabulary. Furthermore, one could become an influential Congressman who valiantly denies citizenship to one of Ajay Bruno's numerous multies. On the other hand, there is a opportunity to enlist in the military and assassinate highly intoxicated Russian forces. Don't you one could become a wealthy businessman and pay his workers as bad as South Africans do.

Right there I have listed four beneficial paths one may follow in his eRepublik career.

Unfortunately, it has become blisteringly evident that the United States has been drained in the precious resource of the newcomer talent in the last few weeks. As a result, we have been losing that youthful burst of energy we have once acquired, thus leaving our old timers even more drained out at the end of the day. Who is to blame here? The United States government? The United States military? The average Joe DaSmoe citizen? To be quite frank, all of the above.

The sly problem causing this conundrum is more of a misconception that has been plaguing the New World for a very long time. There is absolutely no limitation of what you can and cannot be in this game. I was surprised to see how many players, old and new, that have no explored other aspects of this game. For instance, one who has dabbled in the art of virtual combat might not have even stepped a food, hoof, or tentacle in the political module. To add onto that, one who has achieved the coveted Media Mogul medal might not even know what the Peg is for his country.

Another reason why I predict this occurs is because someone might think that real life events greatly influence occurrences in the New World. This is just down right false. For example, just because Canada is pals with the United Kingdom in real life doesn't mean they won't have a skirmish in the New World and vice versa. Just because the United States economy plummets in real life doesn't mean the virtual version will do the same. Too bad you can still lose your house in both versions.

Unfortunately, this problem takes affect as soon as one plays the game for the first time. Depending on one's real life interests, he might be vacuumed into a specific game module very quickly. For instance, a military die hard might jump into the military module right away without even realizing what the other modules have to offer. As this is occurring, he is being drained of exposure of the economic module for say. But what can we do? Who are we to be competing against human nature?

Take a look at the dry, bland media infiltrating the United States media. Also, there only seems to be one competent candidate for President of the United States. There is no doubt in my mind that there is untapped talent within an immense majority of our population, but they are so caught up with just one module that it is truly hurting this fine nation. I'm not saying it is bad to specialize, but it is often in everyone's interest to try to generalize here and there as well.

I challenge everyone to try something new and venture into another module. You may like it; You may not. You won't find out unless you try. If you are in the military, get involved in economics. If you like to write, get involved in politics. There are so many limitless combinations! You could try to follow all of these paths if you want! Let's look at someone who recently did this.

Lieutenant Scheisskopf gained international attention due to his color commentary of many international conflicts in his newspaper, the Stars and Stripes Journal. As a result, he gained multiple Media Mogul medals. Furthermore, he has been quite an active participant in the United States military. Just recently, he decided to run for Congress. Since then, he has become an important figure in it, also.

To sum it all up, the New World needs you, the average Joe DaSmoe citizen to up your ante and make your country prosper. Remember, the success or failure of your country is up to you. I know I cannot speak for all countries, but if things don't change here in the United States of America, we are in a crapload of trouble.

Unless you have been living under a geodesic rock for the last couple of weeks, you should know that Russia has been politically eliminated. Due to Russia's impending failure, they now have open citizenship. For the United States, this has been an opportunity that could not pass up. Shall I say, PTO here we come? But what does this mean for the average Joe DaSmoe citizen? Absolutely everything.

I mean, who would not want to start a new life in Russia? You can join a political party there and play Russian roulette to end petty disputes. Did you ever run for Congress by funding your terrible campaign with hundreds of gold only to lose and somehow end up in Las Vegas the next day? Then try your hand at Russian Congress and pass a law to increase vodka taxes. Best of all, it would serve as a death sentence to PHOENIX and practically bring it down. The link is in the top portion of this article.

Before I forget, while I know this hobbit's opinion doesn't matter, I personally endorse Alexander Hamilton for President of the United States. And your success did not go unnoticed Colin Lantrip. Thank you so much for Operation Monkey Business and the invasion of Southeast Asia. You and your administration did smashing work. Now let's get Alexander Hamilton into office to continue the legacy of our great POTUS streak!

Best Regards,

Party President, Amer. Defense and Trade Party
Congressman, New Hampshire
~Your neighborhood friendly hobbit.~