The Socialist International Votes Celio Azevedo for Country President of eNK..::

Day 590, 14:36 Published in North Korea Brazil by Socialist-Internacional

Hello great citizens of eNorth Korea,

We are the Socialist-International and our objective is the socialism in all the countries of the eworld. We are marxists-leninists and our symbol is the hammer and sickle. Our colors are red and gold, the same of our affiliated party, the North Korean Communist Party – NKCP. The only communist party in eNorth Korea that we knows.

We are real socialists and we supports the comrade Celio Azevedo for be our next country president of eNorth Korea. Celio Azevedo is a great person in RL and in eR. He will lead the eNorth Korea and make our country be the most powerfull of the eWorld. We wants to save the eNorth Korea economy.

Long Life to eSocialism !

Vote Celio Azevedo for country President !

Vote NKCP !

Comrade Celio Azevedo - Stronger Than Never.

The world will changes.
