The Socialist Alternative

Day 398, 13:38 Published in Russia Sweden by BotherMe
Fellow Citizens!

Russia is a very special country. Probably the most special in the new world. I should know, I'm eight months old, and I have travelled a lot in the eWorld. I was born in Sweden, my IRL country, on the 17th of May. I quickly discovered the functions of the game and my country, and fell in love with the game. During the summer, I fought with my comrades in MSAP for economic democracy. It was a fun time, even though we never got to run the country. At the same time, I was the president of the swedish Workers' Union and Hypogeum, which awards prominent people with the nobel prize. So as you can see, I've been around for a while, so I should know that Russia is a special country.

Why is it special?
Why is Russia special? Don't all the things that I previously listed beat everything that we have here in Russia?

I have never had the possibility of being elected to a post in a government, or running my own company as a General Manager. That is because, like most proletarians, I have not been able to, and will never be able to accumulate enough capital to start a company. Now, after being elected Director of Public Works and Infrastructure, I have been trusted with the task of administrating a few companies.

I have never had any influence over national politics. The same politicians were always elected in Sweden (the FBS party) and the company owners remained in their offices for months and months. Unlike Sweden, I have the right to influence on what the country is going to produce, where to export to, how high wages should be for different skill and industry groups and on who should run the company where I work. To summarize:

We have economic democracy!

This is the big difference between Russia and every other nation in the world. That is something we should be proud of, and guard carefully. Everybody should know that the Free Russian Party stands for capitalism, and that it wants Russia to become any other nation, a whatever nation, with no national characteristics.

The CPSU stands for democracy in its most developed form:
We will never allow the bourgeoisie to take over the market again, and enslave the working people under the dictatorship of the market.

Remember that when you vote this christmas day. Give Russia the best present she can get: Democracy.

Director of Public Works and Infrastructure
Chief Editor of Socialisten