The Sneaky and Deceptive

Day 1,505, 17:36 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

I log onto IRC, get abused and trolled the blindly obedient servants of the eIndo empire. I smile thank people for their opinions and continue with the job at hand. People who do not know me yelling abusing me, like I ran over their dog.

It is dirty politics in an attempt to get me to stand out of the race. Using fear mongering and outright lies created out of their own imagination to justify the Gov's failure to connect with the eAus people.

If I will stand up to the eIndo’s I can assure you no little eAus troll is going to alter my intention to run. Srg is leading eAus into the arms of the enemy, and someone has to stand against it.

Then I log onto eRep yesterday to see what has become of the srg lead government.

*His nominated dCP Binda (who has been in private party rooms trolling) has also been accused of abusing her admin position on the forums. So not only has she been manipulating and twisting lies in an attempt to garner votes, she has been making sure people who oppose her are in no position to prevent it. Even in her own party?

That is not democracy.

* Srg’s minister for immigration has the senate up in arms trying to remove him, Political Parties have not been following the democracy of their own parties and endorsing srg simply because he is not me.

*Doom and gloom and overall embarrassing stuff all over the comments and in various articles...

And srg does nothing? Of course not, why would he need to answer to the eAus people and justify his string of poor decisions.

I was so tempted to jump all over those articles but showed restrain, people can read, people can see what is going on in those articles.

This morning the APP endorsed Srg with a 17-13 vote lead, fair enough but 18 votes abstained. Perhaps I am wrong, wouldn’t that mean the party should simply remain neutral? Considering I am relatively unknown to the party and have only been running for a few days isn’t the sheer shift in Srg’s 100% backing is a sign? Considering the votes cast are simple words to the party leader and there is no actual record of it, seems a little dodgy. But that is the way things have gone so far

If you had seen the comments in the ANP endorsement thread you would know what I mean, if you had seen the G’n’G PTO accusations made against Binda likewise the picture becomes crystal clear and while I understand the APP’s decision it doesn’t ring true with the actually situation at all.

In the end that is all party politics, and part of the game but the voting public should be aware of the truth in the present situation. People are disgruntled with the Gov, and they know this. The clearly one sided Party Endorsements is not a sign of the truth but the deception you are meant to believe.

If you have read the “Dear China” article, the truth of our gov’s present course is obvious, summed up nicely by the “History Repeats Itself” article.
When it comes time to vote, follow your instincts. Which path do you chose to take? Servants to the nation that has abused us relentlessly for years and cowered our Gov into submission? Or a return to the brothers that gave their all for our enation, a return to eAus’s true mates.