The second verse, same as the first. A little bit louder and a little bit worse!

Day 3,024, 22:46 Published in Australia Canada by Ilene Dover


Good afternoon everyone. I hope you had an enjoyable summer, now we're officially in autumn...

This is my official campaign article for re-election to Country President. It's a little late and possibly a little light on detail. I have to say, it's tough to find time to write these sort of articles while you're sitting in the CP seat!


I have nothing new to offer you in this sphere - you got the best of my ideas last month. If I am re-elected, the existing finance programs will continue.

Boss Bucks will open for a second round of proposals. We, the government, still have gold to lend to budding entrepeneurs and established capitalists alike. Let's make a deal!

At this stage, I have not managed to secure an official Minister of Finance for the next month. Watch this space!

Foreign affairs and defence

I am lucky to have secured the services of two veteran and experienced citizens to cover these important portfolios.

Thedillpickl has agreed to be my Minister of Defence, and keep national battle orders in the top news. If there are any existential threats to our small nation, his contacts across the eWorld will be invaluable in securing our borders.

Rusty D has re-signed as my Minister of Foreign Affairs. This time, I expect him to go the distance! Rusty knows everyone and everyone knows Rusty.

We will be as safe as we can be with these two stalwarts.

Domestic issues

During the referendum last month, the a majority of the country voted to remain a democracy. I have no plans to go against your wishes - we will remain a democracy as long as I am able.

I have secured the services of an MoE for next month! Finally, Dirty Scarlet Silverbeard thinks he knows the eAussie sense of humour well enough to have a crack. Just think of the possibilities!

However, as the current crop of senators will know, the authority of being a senator in a democratic nation comes with a heavy responsibility. One element of this is the citizenship pass (CS pass you will often see this abbreviated to).

All senators are provided with one citizenship pass to use as they see fit, to admit applicants for citizenship in our country. Not all applicants wish us well, though. There are some serial pests in the game that would gladly take eAustralian citizenship in order to create a military unit here and launch a coup. We must protect ourselves from this risk!

I had hoped that in the recent senate elections that at least one of the Top 5 parties would publish a policy on citizenship passes. That didn't happen, unfortunately, so I have implemented a 'top down' solution. This is in lieu of a free-for-all that may otherwise result...

A representative from each of the Top 5 parties sits on a risk assessment committee, with me. We interview citizenship applicants and followup on references. Then, and only then, are they recommended to the senate at large for acceptance. If you re-elect me, this policy will remain in force until further notice.

Good luck to all the candidates on Friday. Whoever you vote for, don't forget to vote!

The below are links to valuable sources of information for eAustralians young and old. Please feel free to use them as they are there for you.