The second invasion on Great Britain

Day 947, 23:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jack Jockson


While Poland attacked Scotland to build a hospital there, Brits only worry about their congress seats. I worry too, some SDP fool seem to didn't let me qualify for the elections.

There is no explanation by president Woldy why Netherlands has suddenly sent its troops to British isles. Americans are invading South West of England now, fighting one on one with Holland.

Poland is said is on their way to rent some American land for 3000 gold rent. Prime Minister Woldy wakes up late this morning to find some bugs in the game. His excuse about Holland is that he's trying to block the Poles.">


Russian President warns Russian people to prepare for invasion of Russia and blames the danger on treacherous communists and North Korean fiasco. China is believed to have gotten the control of North Korea, which Hank says was vital for Russian alliance.


Other Phoenix countries is playing defensive as usual. Lots of diversion battles are going on and one thing is certain. The occupied regions will be lots more difficult to win back in the new version of eRepublik called eRepublik Rising.">