The Roots of Fascism in eIreland

Day 2,580, 20:49 Published in Ireland Ireland by Colin Fox

Greetings my fellow eIrish people and really old dinosaurs. Today I logged on to discover a shocking truth that has explained why eIreland has become the prized poodle of the traitorous eIrish bourgeoisie. Without even consulting those who reside in Mayo, nor the eIrish people - they bypassed democratic processes that are there to ensure that each decision was decided on a democratic basis! Perhaps the liberal government in its obtuseness has thought its authority is automatically mandated by the people when they were voted into office but in fact we only mandated at you perform an administrative function on the will of the eIrish people - not behind closed doors!

The pseudo-"leftist" Labour Party has once again abandoned libertarian socialism and replaced with authoritarian state capitalism not too unlike the one implemented by the Nazis in the 1930-40's. We demand a voice in government, we want more democracy!

And how is the government going to distribute this revenue to the people? Through the State after they take out a significant portion for their own pockets? Like The Labour Party (after the Great Revolution) has been known to do from time to time. It's all a scheme to funnel more money in the pockets of trolls.

We're onto you, we're organizing, you'll be hearing from us!


(PS: Plus the vice president's name is "Volk" - like come on.)