The Road to the Capitol: June 22 PUSH THE BUTTON

Day 945, 12:03 Published in USA Brazil by Rod Damon

Just a reminder to all potential candidates for Congress and Party Presidents.

The top parties are expected to participate in the FEC ATO Program.


As per the FEC ATO Program, each party is to place their final candidates today.

All Candidates and Blockers are to make sure they push the run for Congress button today before server reset.

A copy of the worksheet listing all candidates and the regions they are to run in can be found at

The Top 6 parties and presidents are

United States Workers Party - Jude Connors
Federalist Party - David Landon
S.E.E.S. - Joshua Patterson
United Independents Party - Herr Nicholas
US Trade and Military Alliance - mjdiv

The Republican Party is not going to be a Top 5 Party this election

Current Membership Numbers
USWP 1427 down from 1444
Feds 766 up from 721
SEES 590 up from 571
UIP 575 up from 545
TaMA 563 up from 539
Reps 222 up from 212


If you are interested in helping out by becoming an FEC Blocker, please send a pm and we will forward the sign up link.

Remember America, get involved to help protect our elections.