The Revolutionary Party is here to help you

Day 1,718, 18:08 Published in USA USA by Katawata

The Revolutionary Party is a growing force that is recruiting new players for a more democratic eAmerica. We will help you grow with supplies and advice.
We don't have strict party policies, everybody is welcome here, your voice will be heard.
This is our recruiting message.

Dear fellow eAmerican,

I am writing you today on behalf of the members of the Revolutionary Party of these eUnited States. Our party is open to different people and ideas. This is a place where debate, democracy, equality, and diversity are our foundations, just as in our real nation. And just as in our nation, we provide opportunities to help you succeed in this game, to live the eAmerican Dream.

And because we know it's difficult to grow in this new world, we will send you supplies so you can get wherever you want to be, soon.

You may be or may soon be thinking about getting involved in politics. Some of our members currently hold positions and they'd be glad to help you in achieving any goal you may have.

Join us, the Revolutionary Party and our armed branch, the Revolutionary Army, and be part of a group of players commited to a true democracy, not dominated by a small elite of players.

Revolutionary Party page:
Revolutionary Army page:
Revolutionary Forum:

So join and Make your Voice Heard.
Katawata, Head of Recruiting of the Revolutionary Party of eUSA.

Thank you.