The responsibility coming with our role

Day 737, 00:16 Published in Australia Australia by H.Nelson

Thank you, Queensland!

I feel highly honoured to represent my home State in the new eAustralian Senate for the third time in a row!

After last month's elections you have placed great confidence in me again by giving an incredible number of 36 votes for me. I promise I will not betray your trust and will hang on to the open-minded conduct I have pursued in the Senate so far. Remember, you can always turn to me if you have any questions during my entire Senate term and beyond!

To my fellow Senators

As for my fellow Senators elected; I congratulate all of you on your successful bid!
Meanwhile, I'd like to stress the responsibility which comes with our role of being a Senator for eAustralia. First of all I urge you to read and sign the Senate Protocol as soon as possible in order to begin your work with acquiring the minimum insight needed.

Also make sure you stay active and visit the Senate section on the Official eAustralian Forums at least once a day and take part in debates shaping the future of our country. A regular report on your activity is also a good idea to keep the wider public updated on ongoing matters. All in all I recommend you to be as transparent and comprehensive as you can be throughout your Senate term.

Charity drive

Finally, as one of my newest colleagues, nomlah pointed out in his recent article, I would also like to take this opportunity to emphasise the importance of eAustralia's national charity organisation, ausEaid, by donating them the 5 gold award for winning this month's elections. I encourage all the Senators who can afford it to support the enormous effort by ausEaid to help, educate and keep our newbies interested in this game.

Also note that I will be publishing my usual in-depth analysis on the Senate elections tomorrow so stay tuned and remember to

if you haven't already.

Senator for Queensland (3rd term)
ACU Koalas member (Foxtrot Squad)
Australian Independent