The resistance continues – A complete list of Tax Haven companies in eAustralia

Day 1,056, 13:41 Published in Australia Australia by H.Nelson

Dear Readers,

This article is the fifth edition of a series featuring the most recent list of companies offering Tax Free jobs for true eAussies in eAustralia.

¤ Why is this Tax Haven thing so important?

Asi many people dealing with the economic aspects of eRepublik have already pointed out, revenue from taxes goes right into the eIndos’ pockets. However, by working for a Tax Haven company you can minimise the amount of cash they can put their dirty hands on. The point is to pay less tax to the eIndos by working for minimum wage with the rest donated.

¤ I’m a company manager and I’d like to help out - what can I do?

I created a new, simplified questionnaire for company owners willing to take part in the Tax Haven scheme. If you are a company manager and would like to participate in the initiative feel free to message me for the form. All you need to do is specify your company’s details and I’ll add your business to this article and its future releases.

¤ I'm an eAussie citizen and I'd like to work for a true blue company

OK, here’s the latest list of Aussie companies offering a wide range of tax free jobs. Just click on the company’s name and see if they have job openings or contact the owner directly whether he can offer you a job. If you cannot see any job offers don’t be shy to message the company manager.

Except for the ones indicated, these companies are also willing to sell their products on the black market so feel free to contact them for various goods.

Raw Material companies
(You can also buy their products on the marketplace as there’s no VAT on raw material.)

Resistance Grain Tax Haven
eTitanium For You 90+W
More eTitanium For You 90+W
BHP Billition 90+ W
Underground Grain
Coral Titanium's Mine
Boomerang's Wild Oats
eAus Titanium-GFC L1
Aussiemite Indo-Pain Tax Haven
Compass Titanium
Azimuth Titanium
Azimuth Grain

Food companies

Underground Food
AlexCo Food
Down Under Food
Aussiemite Grub Tax Haven
Compass Food
Azimuth Food
VNJ Food

Air Unit companies

Hell eCopters

Rifle companies

Mobius Rifles - tax haven

Moving Ticket companies

Compass Airlines - Tax haven
Azimuth Tickets

¤ Is there anything else I can help eAustralia with?

Please fill in the Great eAustralian Census if you haven’t already. You can read more about the initiative in my previous article or fill in the census right away by clicking on the image below.

When you are done with the questionnaire, please forward this automated confirmation message to me to validate your contribution. This is the only method available for me to handle (i.e. delete) the entries of eIndonesians trying to spam the spreadsheet by impersonating true eAussies.

If you support the Tax Haven scheme, black market and all-out resistance against the oppressors, and have a deep commitment to the liberation of our beloved country, then join the Australian Resistance Party.

We will never give up! We will never surrender!


President of the Australian Resistance Party
Commander of the Order of Australia