The Repercussions of War

Day 1,279, 21:12 Published in USA Germany by Alex Drex

Preface: This is partially a follow-up to my previous article, The Effects of Imperialism on Allied Nations. If you haven't read that article, I would suggest that you do so. Reading it will likely give this one more context and make more sense. Like I said, this will be a partial-follow-up. What I mean by that is that parts of it will pertain specifically to the aforementioned article, while other parts will be related but do not necessarily rely on the other article. Now, onto the article...

One of the main points argued in the comments of my article was that the game mechanics are set up to support and encourage imperialism. This is true, unfortunately. What, with free wars, automatically activated MPPs, and limited Resistance Wars per country, it makes longterm (almost permanent) occupation a breeze for some countries. These are all things that I've written against in the past, in detail.

While I still feel that the admins should read my article there, and implement some of those ideas (nudge, nudge, wink, wink), I'd like to take this article another direction.

What are the repercussions of war in eRepublik? Relatively nonexistent. Aside from new players becoming extremely confused about what is going on, or why their country doesn't exist; as well as some financial trouble the oppressed country faces there's really not much of an effect of war. Especially not for the aggressor nation. I think that is a problem. This is, after all, supposed to be somewhat of a simulation game. We all know what serious repercussions there are involved with war in real life. And while none of the repercussions could ever be even close to as serious as war in the real world, I think there should be some repercussions to war in the New World.

Breaking the chains of oppression.

Repercussions would do a couple of things. First of all, it would make the war module far more realistic. A real country cannot just declare war on a bunch of other people, get defeated, and then not expect punishment. Why wouldn't it be the same in a "simulation" game? Furthermore, repercussions would protect other countries from being annihilated by much larger countries, while not removing the larger countries' ability to do so, it just gives them more to think about, and to decide if it is truly worth it. Finally, having actual consequences of war creates more strategy. People have to fight smarter in order to ensure success. But they also have to decide if it is smart to fight in the first place. Also, this could provide another goal of warfare, not just the conquering of lands, but the liberation of the oppressed, etc.

Peace deal.

What would these repercussions be? Well, I propose that the peace proposal feature is edited. In the new feature, a country might demand a monthly payment from another country for peace (for a limited time, of course). Furthermore, the peace proposal would have an option to put a duration on it. This duration would be carried on through until the end, no matter what (well, not exactly). We often see peace deals worked out only to fall through come the next month and next government. With this change, the peace proposal continues even through the next government, until the time specified is reached. However, if one country truly wants to break a peace proposal, they would be able to do so. There would be some consequences of this. Perhaps the country who broke the peace proposal has to pay a fine to the other country. Perhaps the defending country gets a bonus in fights against the country that broke the peace deal.

These are just a few ideas. I'd love to read any ideas that you might have. Feel free to post more ideas/critique in the comments.

Thanks for reading, I hope you've enjoyed it.

Freedom Writers

Alex Drex
Commander of the Socialist Freedom Party Bear Cavalry
Socialist Freedom Party Revolutionary Committee Member
Freedom Writer