The Rellori Report - The Propaganda War

Day 1,237, 05:32 Published in United Arab Emirates Australia by James Rellori

Im James Rellori, Your Ambient on/off, Bobby lee loving reporter. The date is the 10th of April, Day 1237 of the new world and this is the Rellori Report.

Now after breaking into the eUAE Russian PTO office... I saw a poster they had hanged up in the Press Office...

I was clearly shocked and disturbed by this, While seeing Al, Cl4trap and a kidnapped noob player forced by Cl4trap and Al to stand there and take it as they took there new Easter Card Photo.

I had to quickly leave as Cl4trap saw me and called his guards, They wrapped me in a poster with a woman shhhing me and rolled me outside.

And remember

Stop the Russians with strength