The Rellori Report - Lets Get Fair Dinkum in the eWorld

Day 1,206, 06:36 Published in United Arab Emirates Australia by James Rellori

Hi, Im James Rellori, Not giving the normal introduction because in this article... IM SERIOUS, The date is the 10th of March, Day 1206.

(All slang used in this article is referenced at the bottom of the page and underlined in the article)

If eUAE wants to actually make itself known as a powerful nation in the eWorld and not just Drink with the flies and not just have a blue with our neighbors and not be worth a Zack.

Enough of the slang, Its time to get serious, We need to make ourself known as a nation of Strong fighters and who never give up in defeat, We need to become known as the dominant force in eMiddle east and lead the way as a example in eUAE and the eMiddle east and the eWorld.

Fair Dinkum - true, genuine
Drink with the flies - Be alone
Blue - Argument/Fight
Zack - Not worth it.