The Rellori Report - Cruel, Cruel Cl4trap

Day 1,221, 16:09 Published in United Arab Emirates Australia by James Rellori

This is the Rellori Report, Today is my real life birthday (Yay me!!) and this is James Rellori, A average eUAE journalist who makes articles more entertaining that Al's about how he wants the admins to make it easier to kick who ever he doesn't like (Voice, Cl4trap, James Rellori) and the date is The 25th of March, Day 1221 of the new world.

"One night my girl went to pat what looked like a doggy. ...It was a wolf and it bit her"

That is the description of Cl4trap and ABOC i wish to use, Something that looks like a good pal, But bites you as soon as you try to talk to it.

You can save eUAE from this fate by voting Pro-Resistance candidates into the Congress...

Vote Satire, Vote Rellori for Congress.