The Real Military

Day 1,181, 15:03 Published in USA USA by Glove
A friend of mine who is in the military has asked me to publish this on his behalf, while I may agree with some of these statements and refute others, I would just like to remind you these are his words, not mine. But I get the feeling this has been on the mind of many members of the military and this needs to be published in order to finally put this storm behind us. Hopefully there is a logical and reasonable solution to all of this mess.

With the recent debate that we’ve seen concerning the JCS, I feel that it is only right that the mid level officers finally offer their opinion. We are the officers that make the military run on a daily basis. We are the QMG’s the supply hundreds of soldiers with their supplies. We are the ones who have worked for many months to get where we get to, and for some of us, this will be the highest that we will reach.

Truth be honest, we are sick of what’s become of the military. It has changed in the past year and a half that I’ve served in it. The truth is, the system has become corrupt with power. Over time, we have allowed the system to simply listen to the leaders who say follow the Chain of command to get an answer or STFU. I ask this question- If your going to simply post follow the CoC, why not just answer the question? It takes the same amount of time. We are tired of simply being told to STFU all the time whenever we follow the CoC.

Were sick of what’s become of the JCS. The have become entrapped with their power and titles. There is no change. I remember a time when they were actually were a democracy, and listen to criticism. I remember a time before JCS advisors. I remember when they made group decisions, instead of just tagging along the CJCS. There was a time when constructive discussion could happen in the JCS. Instead, they simply kick those out who don’t agree with them. Then they set up policy so that similar incidents won’t happen. This policy of not letting XO’s in effectively limited any new blood that would enter the JCS.

Were sick of the misrepresentation caused by the JCS. Most of us are not role players. Most of us do not care much about out titles. They are not something to flaunt around and make a big deal about. Rank is simply representative of how far we’ve gotten and what were capable of. We do not role play being in the military.

Were sick of amount of blacklisting going on. If the INCI people are being treated like regular citizens like everyone else, and some of them want to be part of the military, let them. Some of their group can be potent fighters and leaders, yet were still denying them. We are at a time of diminished recruitment and citizen retention, and we need all the help we can get. We’re also sick of quality citizens being denied for things that happened in the past. These citizens have proven to be capable leaders in other fields and completely trustworthy. We are at a time where the demand for quality officers outstrips the supply, and potential officers are simply denied because they decided to go overseas for a little while, or they made a few mistakes while they where a congressman.

TL😉R- Were sick of the Role playing BS that’s going on with the JCS and other members of the military community. We want to set back the clock to when we were a force to be reckoned with backing the days of and after WW3. Were sick of the constant infighting occurring with the current JCS every month. We want a system that is stable, but does not does not rock the boat every month. We want a system that listens to criticism instead of saying STFU or follow the CoC. Were sick of being told to shut up and or face a DD. Well, were sick of it, and we’ve finally grown a pair and decided to speak out.

-Sorry this was not through my newspaper, as I do not want to get a DD and caused the JCS to hate on my branch even more then it already does. I want to continue to help change things and be of service to the community where I feel that I can do the best job and be the most beneficial. So janks, why don’t you go ahead and start blacklisting all your officers for choosing to exercise their right to free speech instead of going up the CoC and either being told to STFU or get ignored.

-A Unknown Officer