The Race Is Over... For Me

Day 955, 00:02 Published in USA USA by Alexander Valkor II

I am officially dropping out of the race for the Presidency of the United States of America.

Currently, the major front runners are Bradley Reala and Aiden Aistrup. Given the backing these two candidates have and their significant momentum, it would be next to impossible to beat them in the race. I have decided it best to throw my weight behind the candidate I know who will lead this country to success in the coming month.

I Officially Endorse

Bradley Reala

And his Vice Presidential running mate.


Bradley Reala easily has much more well rounded and overall experience to be President than his only remaining opponent, Aiden Aistrup. No offense to Aiden, but his foreign policy and military experience do not even come close to rivaling Brad's. Fionia, his VP pick has significant domestic policy experience, directly related to newb retention and education. She will be a quality Vice President and would serve with an impeccable work ethic.

Whats Next For Me

Currently I am in Congress, which is incredibly boring. I don't know what I'll do next.

General Sir Valaro Volcrum (Ret.)
A Force of Action