The race for Presidency: Choose Mursu

Day 710, 03:32 Published in Japan Japan by Lauri Mursu
Who am I?
I’m Lauri Mursu, a politician who came to eJapan from eFinland about 6 months ago. My life in eRepublik began about 400 days ago and I was born in eNorway, as they occupied eFinland during that time. I had back then I didn’t really get into the game, so my playing was really random and most of the time I just bought food for my eCitizen so that he wouldn’t die. Perhaps I knew back then that I was destined to play this game actively some day. As I said, I came to eJapan 6 months ago when I got fed up with the politics of eFinland. We were a big bunch of Finnish politicians that came to Japan, but I’m now the only one remaining. I’ve grew kinda fond of Japan, I like it’s citizens and politicians. I’ve been acting as the Minister of Foreign Affairs for 3 months now, and this will now change!

Now I feel I’m up for the ultimate challenge of activity in Erepublik. Country Presidency. I have decided to run this month as I feel that eJapan can still, even thou we have progressed a lot since I came here, achieve more; to be more! eJapan has so much potential that is not yet used!

What have I done?
- 1x Vice President of eJapan
- 3x Minister of Foreign Affairs of eJapan
- 1x Minister of Finance of eJapan (Economic Board Chairman)
- 1x Vice-SECDEF of eJapan
- 5x congressman of eJapan
- 1x congressman of eFinland
- JIA soldier
- PEACEkeeper
- general
- eJapanese ambassador to eFinland
- ex-Party President of Tequila Fitness Club

What’s my platform?


My cabinet would probably be a bit bigger than what eJapan has used to. The forum reform we did last month has brought the Ministries into the forums, and my cabinet would be built to these ministries. Probably the biggest changes here would be the creation of Secretary of Defence again, and the upcoming change of Minister of Foreign Affairs.


Vice President - Origineel.NL
Advisor - Oraizan

Ministry of Defence
* Minister of Defence - KITA Ikki
* Secretary of Defence - Glxblt
* Commander of JIA - GenoGaron
* Commander of JIN - chaotic1
* PEACEkeepers representative - Glxblt

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
* Minister of Foreign Affairs - Nolan Pitler
* Secretary of Foreign Affairs - PND (pleasedaddynooo)

Ministry of Finance
* Minister of Finance -
* Secretary of Finance -

Ministry of Internal Affairs
* Minister of Internal Affairs - Reiji Mitsuragi
* Minister of Health, Education and Welfare - Metic
* Secretary of Immigration - no1kevlin

* Minister of Culture and Events - Ember Firespiral
* Secretary of Culture and Events - Laurana Psion
* PEACE advisory representatives - Oraizan and Origineel.NL
* Security advisors - Walorm and GLaDOS

eJapanese Cabinet? Surely not at my term!!


We have already somewhat active congress in eJapan, which keeps having important conversation about the country all the time. I just feel that there’s still a big gap from the cabinet to the congress, so I’d be creating a irc-channel for the congress, where congressmen can easily contact the President and the cabinet, discuss about pressing matters and bringing the information closer to them. This could actually be done any time, and I’m surprised we don’t yet have a channel for the congress. With this addition we could even better see which congressmen are really active and interested, and that the discussion would be faster (meaning that you wouldn’t need to write everything to the forums).

PEACE relations:

This month we have progressed on this section a lot, but we shouldn’t now just be pleased to the current situation. Our presence at PEACE could, and should, be a lot more active. Japan is the Righteous Nation and we should drive that message to our allies as well. World politics are in a turning point with the (possible) upcoming MPP change, and we should make sure our relations to PEACE are as good as possible. This also includes involvement with the PEACEkeepers, but not at the expense of the JIA.


I support fully the plan about “Small independent unit organizations”. It has proved to be a worthy solution in other parts of eWorld, and I think it would be the best course of action in eJapan as well. The army is otherwise looking somewhat good now, with the weapon companies running and iron supply steady. As I said, eJapan must participate in PEACEkeepers, but with the ongoing discussions at forums, we should decide of some guidelines for JIA members who are interested in PEACEkeeper activity.


I am still looking for an active and experienced Minister of Finance, who would be accompanied by (possibly) a younger colleague as the Secretary of Finance. Only the Minister would have the control of National Bank of Japan, but the Secretary would be there to survey the markets, keep the money log up to date, and help with creating new ideas for the supporting businesses of eJapan. On my term there would be a program started for new businesses, where we would take part in few upgradings of existing businesses. Of course this action would be up for congress discussions first.

Final words

eJapan deserves an active, well-known Japanese to serve as the President, and I sure am one of the active ones. You can always find me from eJapan irc (#eJapan if You have something to ask from me.

If you vote for Mursu, you vote for a politician who doesn’t fear to decide by the facts, won’t run away from hard decisions and always thinks the best of eJapan.


Lauri Mursu