The Puppet Master Makes His Move

Day 614, 15:32 Published in USA USA by Gaius Julius
You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you.
Eric Hoffer (1902 - 1983)

Yep I am back again to shed some light on the truth behind this whole situation. Several days ago Indonesia finally found their courage and pushed away the curtain they've been hiding behind. It seems they grew tired of using Russia as their puppet for domination. Indonesia attacked an original eUS region ,Hawaii, in hopes of turning the war effort back in their favor. This attack can be nothing more than a desperate gamble by our enemies, so why?

Cutting the Strings
A few days ago Russia, PEACE's key puppet in this attack, lost the initiative in the war. They lost the ability to start battles when our allies in Korea and Norway attacked. Their attacks were major sacrifices on the part of two of our smaller allies, they certainly deserve our thanks. With the initiative lost Russia could now be attacked by Canada and the eUS. In an amazing offensive the eUS and Canada regained 4 eUS regions from Russia's hands. It seemed as though the balance had shifted. There were whispers of growing dissent in Russia, a series of articles showed just how tired Russia was of being the workhorse of this war. On top of this Russia has long been used as a tool of the Indonesian Empire. Indonesia claims it always has Russia's concerns at its heart. In reality they ruthlessly hold onto the Western SIberian Region too control its wealth of resources. They claim it is to protect Russia, protect them from what, wealth? Prosperity? Freedom? Several days ago Indonesia became tired of playing puppeteer and so they attacked.

A Desperate Move?
Indonesia has always played a very intelligent game, they are cautious and careful about who they attack, where they attack and when they attack. They understand the concept of losing a battle but winning a war. They are also very careful about what MPP's they trigger and how they use their allies MPP's to fight battles. For them an attack on the eUS is the riskiest move they have embarked upon. So now we must ask ourselves a question, is Indonesia attacking us because they are moving in for the killing blow, or is it because they wish to see this war expedited from its stagnation? I sincerely believe that it is the latter of the two. As I demonstrated in a previous article a war of attrition is advantageous to the eUS. Therefor Indonesia has faced the facts, the only hope they have is to hit the eUS where it hurts and knock us out the this war know.

The current battle in California is the most important yet in this war. California is a hub of population, commerce and connects to several other states. It is crucial to us that we hold this state, it is crucial to Indonesia that they take it. This is the big battle we have been waiting for, this is Stalingrad of this war. Our enemy expended enormous resources (500 gold) simply to start this battle. Furthermore they have had to tank like crazy to simply bring down a portion of our wall. Our enemies have met the true power that make us great, our population. Now is the chance for you the average citizen to expend everything you have to save our great country. To paraphrase 300 "Give them nothing! But take from them everything!,The Indos are a bunch of losers"

What You Can Do:

-Continue to pay attention to official orders from the DoD and the President.
-Ignore articles that hold baseless claims and our meant to sap our moral.
-Keep up the war effort.
-Vote up eUS articles!
-Remember that this war is far from over.
-Ignore the 50 PEACE trolls who will comment here.

-Gaius Julius