The PTO Show-Down is Coming

Day 932, 23:25 Published in Australia Croatia by CrowdedHouse

Good Afternoon eAustralia.

Over the last 24 hours many of you would have noticed the Russian President's RAGEQUIT.

Less than 3 days into his term, an impeach proposal was put up against him, which is currently (as of typing) failing. In response he has attacked the USA, Finland and China.

This means some massive MPP stacks have been opened up against Russia, and if he's totally bonkers (and the impeachment fails), EDEN Nations could attack Russian soil and the Russian President could virtually retreat all territory.

OK, so isn't that a good thing?

In the short-term, this would be a massive victory for EDEN. Russia is a resource rich nation which helps supply and fund Phoenix - especially Serbia and it helps them hold onto Lion King.

Now Russia has diamonds, which will be the valuable Titanium in Version 2.

If Russia and Lion King fall, Titanium will be solely in the hands of EDEN.

Technically good... but it creates a nasty problem for us...

As we know, Indonesia has been ramping up efforts to PTO Australia.

After they came within 100 votes last time, it could mean one of two things.

1) They fringe Indonesian players are disheartened after losing and won't try again
2) It's renewed their efforts to keep PTO attacking

Now if Russia falls, that's BIG BIG BIG Problems for us.

Phoenix will require a Titanium region and will be look for somewhere they can get it easily and cheaply. The two obvious targets are South Africa and Australia.

To get it from South Africa they will have to attack in battle. The problem is, if they get a region, South Africa via RW and it's MPPs will fight back - making a long and expensive campaign... plus the chance for Australia to fight from the East.

However, with Australia, we are sadly an easier target.

If we are a sneeze away from losing to a PTO. If Russia falls, Phoenix will be doing everything in it's power to get it's people to Australia and to gain citizenship (through Indonesian Senators in Australia and the 're-born' system exploit).

Only a few hundred Phoenix members would be needed... and sadly they do have the numbers.

Sadly we are also the perfect location for Phoenix. If we fall to a PTO, the only nation that can reach us is South Africa. Because we have an MPP with them, that would cancel out a number of nations that can fight directly with South Africa to free us. To the north, any EDEN attack is blocked. They have to go through Indonesia to get us - Mission Impossible.

To help solve the problem, our Foreign Affairs, Education and Public Relations department MUST team up with Immigration and actively promote in friendly countries for people to move to Australia and take up Australian Citizenship.

ALL senators must lean on these departments to get people here now and use up their Citizenship Passes.

We need to boost our population.

We need to find our what baby-booming are doing to bring in new 'by-the-rules' players to stop the influx of MissShe's COWS.

The Election Showdown is coming in three stages. Work done correctly in stage one can help put the breaks on the Indonesian PTO attempts.

The eRepublik Alliance has come up with an interesting idea, in which another party will be contacted soon and if all is agreed we will contact Widds (The Prime Minister) asking for government support, in this idea.

If Stage One works, I'll be asking for Party Presidents to meet me online to discuss a mathematical solution which would help us succeed in Stage Two.

I apologise for this long article, but the Russian news does turn the heat up. It's nice to see the Russians beaten... but we have to be prepared for the side effects.

ERA Party President Candidate