The Profit of 2634, and also I'm Back!!!

Day 2,643, 17:19 Published in USA USA by Wolflordy

Hey everyone! It's been a long time since I've written anything...
Never? No I wrote something before... b-b-b-but don't read it!

But anyway I'm back! I took approximately a one and a half year break because... well to be frank this game sucks now...

I came back for reasons I'll get to later.

But since I AM back now I decided to put together the trusty 'ol excel spreadsheet, courtesy of my time spent playing EVE Online.

I don't know if anyone has already done this... but here's my version!

Sorry for the small image, I'll be posting a dropbox link to download it later on.

But I think that this is fairly self explanatory.

Highlights in:
yellow = things you have to manually input: taxes, salaries, sale prices etc.
orange = categories, be it food, weapons, or house
grey = the labels for the charts (q1, q2, etc.)
blue = don't worry about it, just cells I'm using to store repeated values
red = shit... your not making a profit!
green = YAHOO! you're making bank!

Yeah! Revel in that 0.75cc your making per day! Good job!

Now there's some abbreviations that may not be standard eRepublik lingo, so I'll enumerate them here.

F-Raw = Food Raw Materials
W-Raw = Weapon Raw Materials
H-Raw = House Raw Materials
Avg Sal* = The nations average salary (find it on USA's economics tab)
Your Sal* = The raw salary you're employers pays you
Emp Sal* = The salary you pay your employees if you had them
Gross = The revenue from selling your product (VAT included)
Raw $ = The cost of raw materials to run the factory once
Net-M** = The profit you make by working as a manager in that factory
Net-E = The profit you make by hiring employees to work in that factory
Net Manager Production = Net-M
Net Employee Production = Net-E
*These will likely not all be the same
**Net-M in the house category stands for using employees to produce the house, to then use the house on yourself, the manager, to then use overtime for your current job.

Also, for the Grain, fish, fruits, iron, sand thing MAKE SURE TO ONLY INPUT 1s OR 0s!!!
1 = true, the bonus is available to me
0 = false, the bonus isn't available to me
If you input anything else, the spreadsheet won't do math properly


So without further ado, the link you've been waiting for.
This link is not a virus I swear!

I literally just made this sheet earlier today, and I'm mostly positive all my math is right. But if anyone catches a bug, tell me and I'll fix the file and tell everyone to re-download it.

Now for the mysterious reason I came back to eRep.


ha... ha... I got you there!

No actually I'm busier than ever. I'm a computer science and math major, so university eats up a lot of my time. Plus all my free time immediately gets dumped into practicing for amateur Dota 2 tournaments and watching anime. But interestingly enough, it's college that actually brings me here.

You see. Whenever I think of the best browser game, I always think eRepublik. It's literally the best designed game I can think of. Now it's implemented like shit (thanks Plato!). But the unique combination of military, economy, and politics is quite hard to find in any other game.

My goal, as a personal project, is to create an eRepublik inspired game. I'm thinking about making it playable exclusively to my university at first for beta testing and then maybe it expands, idk, I don't really want to be running a server all the time. xD It all depends how well it goes

To be honest, I'm still debating if I want to do this, it depends if I can find people to help me out. Right now it is just an idea floating around in my head. But if I were to, I'd need to remember the things I liked and hated about eRep, and try to be a part of all the aspects I wasn't before, so here I am!

I would appreciate your thoughts on things you like and dislike about eRep in any category.

Signing off

Oh how I love you Holo.
