The Price of Freedom: Remembering January 13th, 1991

Day 1,514, 10:50 Published in Croatia Croatia by Lorenzo Anello

Lithuania is commemorating a day of Freedom defenders. 17 years ago the Soviet troops – the Pskov division and the KGB elite Alfa Special Forces attempted to crush the newly reborn Lithuanian state. Some died from the shot wounds; the Soviet tanks crushed some. In total 14 peaceful civilian freedom defenders lost their lives, hundreds more wounded

Short video of what happened that night Soviet troops vs unarmed Lithuanian civilians, Vilnius 1991.

"Lithuanians, do not resist," the military said. "Your government has deceived you. Go home to your families and children."

Just before the radio station shut down, an announcer sai😛 "We address all those who hear us. It is possible that (the army) can break us with force or close our mouths, but no one will make us renounce freedom and independence."

It is the bloodiest military attack on peaceful citizens since troops killed nine nationalist demonstrators in Georgia in 1989.

The calm but lyrical and very emotional song to my people 🙂

Tai uzdaryk mane , Tevyne, savyje..

A little more cheerful video about our great success in basketball just after 1 year of regaining freedom, in Barcelona Olympics.

The Other Dream Team

Very emotional video .. i cried like a little girl in the end ... 🙂