The preview of the full Deutsch Volks Beobachter layout structure.

Day 2,432, 11:25 Published in Albania Serbia by Enver Halil Hoxha

Issue for the day of 0,000

Special Announcements or Letters, if there are any

News will be here, from most important to least

Party News will be here

Updates on wars or battles will be here

Financial news will be here

Entertainment will be here

Other stuff and closing will be here

Copyright 2014 by the Deutsche Reichspartei

The following is not a real issue depicting news and other stuff, rather, it is just to layout that is to come. And the header will be improved as time goes on, as well as the section separators. Eventually, we hope this newspaper will be the national newspaper of Germany as I, the editor/Party Leader, wishes to one day be President of Germany, break the German Danish confederation up, promote German nationalism, and begin a large German Expansion that will exclude the following countries: Denmark and Albania. Therefore, I encourage you to vote for me in the upcoming German Elections for President so that the will of the German people can be released.