The Presidency and the Future

Day 2,293, 14:00 Published in USA USA by Ioanys

Greetings folks,

Welcome to a special presidential preview edition of Because eRep, let's get started.

Best president

If we're being honest, I hadn't planned on taking much of an interest in March's presidential contest. The writing seemed to be on the wall, campaigning started early, it seemed safe to believe the whole thing would be fairly uneventful....

Then, this happened.

Pardon my vulgarity, but i'm excited

Say what you will about Aramec (and many have), but his announcement got my attention. Not only that, but it sparked some excitement in the small little portion of my brain dedicated to this small little internet game.

Tyler B and Gnilraps are both quality guys, each bringing their skills and talents to the table as candidates, but they offer only little glimpses of the greatness that could be.

This game that we play is stagnant, in numbers, in development, in mindset. Wait for the the come of summer some say, things will improve. From others we hear that there is no point, we should just get what we can out of it before the inevitable end.

The reasons behind the decline of this game are varied, and no one player or administration will wholly right the ship, or perhaps even come close.

But it deserves an effort.

I get it, folks don't want to go out and pound the virtual pavement in surface of this game. Whether from laziness, apathy or shame, there are plenty of reasons to remain inert as the game crumbles around us, slowly but surely.

Though I understand, that argument has always confused me. We're more than happy to pour hours into MMs, articles, and other work for this game, we're content to spend real money on it and be douche chimps over "personal" slights (in a game). However, where we draw the line is doing anything that might tip off to people outside the game that we enjoy it and want them to as well.

In a recent article, I said we need to be world builders, not just minders of the store. Aramec gets that and wants to make efforts to bring new blood into the game a main focus of his term. It may be hard, it may not ultimately work, but I am confident that he is the man to quarterback the effort and I know, 100% for a fact, that it has a better chance of success than being complacent and doing nothing.

A vote for Aramec is a vote for an investment in the future of this game, in how things could be as opposed to how they have been. Many parties are doing their primaries right this moment, but this race has many miles left to go, stay tuned.

Watch for more media, check the forum threads, and most importantly, vote Aramec 4 CP!

All the best,
