The Praetors- Always on Guard

Day 1,612, 21:29 Published in Canada Canada by Wombatman25

Good evening eCanada,

I've been pretty busy lately. Three articles in two days and congress elections coming up!

Tonight I would like to tell you about an amazing eCanadian Military Unit. Congress is now voting on funding for The Praetors. The motion seems as it will pass very soon.

The Praetors were first developed as the Military Arm of the Canadian Progressive Front

It was created under the CPF's legendary first PP, Tyler F. Durden, back in V1.

- The Praetors are now commanded by Wilhelm Gunter
Wilhelm is a dedicated United Empire Loyalist and a lifetime member of the Canadian Progressive Front. I am completely confident in Wilhelm's ability to lead The Praetors to greatness.

The Praetors are a great eCanadian MU. They have decidedly United Empire Loyalist sympathies, they are led by an active and dedicated Commander, and they have many respected players from SaraDroz to Andrew Chuckleton.

Join the Praetors Today!