The PP Elections so far: A victory of comfort.

Day 512, 11:06 Published in Canada Canada by Adasko

After a break in my articles, I'm coming back to you with a short summary of the PP elections so far.

CEP - a lost chance for change

When I saw marcchelala is candidating for President of the CEP, I smiled. He's one of the most active and intelligent eCanadians. Unfortunately, the CEP members apparently did not understand his intensions, which is a big shame. Bruck practically won already, which, unfortunately means, that CEP lost it's chance for a big change. This landslide win is a effect of Bruck's cult of personality, he's been succesfully creating since becoming PM. It's a shame, that nobody understood marcchelala's idea of a strong Party Leader, instead of a invisible Party President, and his Deputy (or should I say acting Party President). It's really too bad, that CEP members chose comfort over change.

CSD - one man, one vote?

As soon as I saw the results of the CSD elections, I knew something's wrong. Either Cleo has a lot of blinded friends, or she has a few dozen multis. Well, if the latter is the case (which is suspected by most people from what I saw on IRC) that's (here's a tribute to Dominik) seriously undemocratic. Unfortunately, people went for comfort again. Only, this time it was the candidate, who apparently had trouble with winning fair. This might well lead to the fall of the CSD.

PPC - follow the leader

1ronman has a healthy lead over Modu Shanyu, which is not suprising (especially given that there were rumors of a TO attempt against the PPC). I think there's not much to comment here. 😉

CPP - competetive action

The CPP elections, are the only truly competetive ones (no, this is not a praise for my party, it's a fact) Currently, the winner can change after only 5 votes. To be honest I never thought it would be so close. But it is close, and I'm really happy that it is. Not only because I still have a chance to win, but also because I treat this as a indication of activity in the party.

That's all for now... 🙂

Peace, out.