The Politics of the Commune System.

Day 683, 17:32 Published in USA USA by Fredrick Engels

A few days ago the Socialist Freedom Party published a article in which Jude Connors called the commune system the shit and he was right in doing so. But from many of the responses I have seen pertaining to the communes it is clear to me most people do not understand the commune system at all. Hell for a few of you reading this now it's the first time you're probably ever even heard about communes. So I'd like to get it out there what the commune system is and what it is not.

What it is not:
It is not a economic theory where the State has a monopoly over the economy.
It is not a economic theory where one person has complete control over the company.

What it is:
A theory where the workers either through direct democracy or through democratically elected representatives(a republic) control the products of their labor, the profits they get from selling the products of their labor, and their wages.

Direct Democracy:
Direct Democracy is simply one worker=one vote. The workers democratically decide everything that can range from what the price of the commodity that is being sold will be, what the wages will be, where the profits from selling the commodities will go(If there are profits), and so on and so forth.

A Republic would be where the workers hold elections on who will represent them in a council where things like wages, prices, etc, will be decided. The people elected would of course have to work at a commune, and you can only vote for someone who is in your designated section. Just like a person in California can't vote for a senator in New York, if your voting only on people from your commune you can't vote for someone to represent you if they're not in your commune. Elections would be held every X amount of days, weeks, months, depending on how long the workers collectively decide how long each term will be. I would also make it so that at any time a representative can be voted out of the council if the people they are representing want to impeach them.

This only outlines how things could be run for a functional commune. I will write in the future on the economic actions I believe the communes should take.