The Poison Pill War

Day 2,035, 21:46 Published in USA Canada by Dillan Stone

So, the White House Press Room just announced the following:

We will be wiped America. Thus is the cycle of the eWorld. Throughout our history, alliances have shifted in power, and in that rotation, we are inevitably caught in the waning. Through our world wars we have encountered situations similar to this, where hope seemed lost, and defeat seemed certain. However, this is not the truth. Hope is not lost, my friends, but rather, placed somewhere else.

I think this is what anyone looking at Gang Bang Three has been thinking now for the last few days. TWO is on a quest to wipe the eUS, for several reasons (but mainly a combination of RL jealousy, and lulz), and there's every reason to believe they will succeed. It's almost impossible to win a seven front war, especially when the enemy dictates when the battles will occur, and inevitably they occur when America is in bed.

I'm not going to call TWO out on that either - it's the correct tactic for them to take.

Consider, however, the following:

* Spoland, Servia and the sHuns are each, individually, powerhouse nations in-game (certainly far stronger than they are IRL), and would be very tough match for the eUS one-on-one, much less teamed up. These nations are not only directly invading the eUS, but are also providing most of the military force for their, ahem, lesser allies/thrall states.

* In order to take all 51 original American regions (DC says hi) quickly enough to try for the wipe, they have had to bring in several lesser allies, however. Thailand, Montenegro, the UK and Taiwan are either already in the party, or about to join. And none of these nations can stand to the eUS one-on-one.

That is the first key. Because it gives us a plethora of options for where to claw back onto the map at the critical moment when Congressional elections are set. And if we prevent being off the map at that moment, we preserve significant control over our internal politics; the AFA has just been declawed somewhat, having to scamper to try and get a new party into the top5 from scratch.

Consider, however, the ramifications of being wiped. For the cost of $20, our fighters will be able to hop from TWO empire to TWO empire, to participate in Resistance Wars all over the world, and not just those in the eUS. The more of the world TWO attempts to hold, the harder those RWs are to win for them. No natural enemy bonus, and the time for battle is set by the rebels rather than by the TWO leadership.

Don't look at this as a defeat, America. Look at it as an opportunity, to do what we do best - make the rest of the world sick. We are the poison pill. We will help liberate allies all over the world, without having to travel all over the world to participate. And we will return to the map - in full - once TWO realizes, once again, that you can conquer the eUS, but you can't hold it for long.

Stay vigilant. Stay focused. Militia up, if you haven't already. And get ready, because the fun part of this war isn't far away.